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Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.10.2015.

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg forsøker med heller ikke her som folklorist, likevel kretser diktningen her om en hensvunnet fortid.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The days of lore.:


It was the days of lore. The land was Avalon. There was a folk.

Token was the fog, a spirit of the earth. A man named Loken, lived by the sword.

The man named Loken slit throats, of men, with his sword. The men died, and folk heard their women cry.


It was the days of lore. The land was Avalon. There was a folk.

Token was the fog, a spirit of the earth. A man named Loken, lived by the sword.

Not to mention, Loken who lived by the sword, Token was the fog, a spirit of earth.

Let me tell you, of men who worshipped the Token. They lived by sword.


It was the days of lore. The land was Avalon. There was a folk.

Token was the fog, a spirit of the earth. A man named Loken, lived by the sword.

The days of lords.

The Token.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 21.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Silver wolf.:


I am the silver wolf. I owl under the moon. I have a son and wife. I am a father.

I am silver wolf. At night, when the moon is full, I owl.

I have a son and wife, and when the moon is full, I owl.


I am the silver wolf. I owl under the moon. I have a son and wife. I am the father.

At silver clear nights, when the winter cold, and the moon is full, I owl.

I owl at the moon.


I am the silver wolf. I owl under the moon. I have a son and wife. I am a father.

I watch over my son and mother. I am a wolf.

When the moon is full I owl.


I am the silver wolf. I owl under the moon. I have a son and wife. I am a father.

I owl at silver clear nights, under the full moon. I am a wolf.

The silver wolf under the moon.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 21.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Hum-ti-dum man.:


Woke up this morning. I am late. For the newspaper. News and coffée, right now.

Me and my wife, at the table. It's breakfast. News and coffée now.


Woke up this morning. I am late. For the newspaper. News and coffée, right now.

Bacon and eggs. I am late. Sorry, dear. I am late. News and coffée now.

I must run. Sorry, dear, 'bout the eggs and the bacon.


Woke up this morning. I am late. For the newspaper. News and coffée, right now.

Hope, the train is not late. I must run. No bacon, no eggs. The news and the coffée, quickly now.


Woke up this morning. I am late. For the newspaper. News and coffée, right now.

I, really, love mornings. I mean, really, to say, mornings I like. No question about that.

I am late. Woke up this morning. For the news, and coffée, now.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Sangteksten "går i kode" som "avsløres" på slutten av sangen. Skulle bare nevne det, i tilfelle noen ikke skulle forstå innholdet i sangteksten.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


A master and the student.:


A master and the student. The strength of a king. A crown. Make it right. The diamond. As the sky is bright.

For the student, a master. And, for the master, a student.

The strength of a king. A crown. Make it right. For the student, the diamond.


A master and the student. The strength of a king. A crown. Make it right. The diamond. As the sky is bright.

The king and his strength. The crown. Give him a sword. The diamond must fit the shaft.

For the student, his master. He is a king. Give him a sword. Make it so. The student needs his master.


A master and the student. The strength of a king. A crown. Make it right. The diamond. As the sky is bright.

Make it so. Make it right. For the student the diamond. The master's sword will tell him. Make it so. Make it right. For the student will find the diamond at the shaft of his master's sword. The strength of a king. So he will achieve, at the end of the day, when the sky still is bright.


--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


She's perfect.:


It's evening. I am at town. Her name is Lisa, I think I overheard. She is perfect.

I'm sitting here, at a table. Saw a girl. Her name is Lisa, I heard.


It's evening. I am at town. Her name is Lisa, I think I overheard. She is perfect.

I saw this girl. She is perfect. Perfect, for me, I believe. Her name is Lisa, I heard.

Seeing her around. Over there now. She is perfect. Is she perfect, for me?


It's evening. I am at town. Her name is Lisa, I think I overheard. She is perfect.

Forgot about her. Just a moment. She is still perfect. Perfect for me, a different question.


It's evening. I am at town. Her name is Lisa, I think I overheard. She is perfect.

It's still evening. She is perfect. Too perfect for me. Left for home.


It was evening. I was at town. Her name is Lisa, I think I overheard. She is perfect.

Forgot about her. She is perfect. Back home. I was at town.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er to sangtekster som jeg har diktet og skrevet. De, begge, omhandler det å skuespille i det virkelige liv, her sett i kontrast til det å være profesjonell skuespiller.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---




Hidden I am. I'm the actor. I act my wants. Hoping, not to, be revealed.

I have wants. I'm the actor, not for real. Hidden I still am.


Hidden I am. I'm the actor. I act my wants. Hoping, not to, be revealed.

I act my wants. I'm the actor, not for real. Hidden I am, for certain.

Don't reveal me, please.


Hidden I am. I'm the actor. I act my wants. Hoping, not to, be revealed.

Don't reveal me, please. I'm hidden. I'm the actor. Not for real.

Don't hide me. I'm revealed, for real I'm afraid.


Hidden I am. I'm the actor. I act my wants. Hoping, not to, be revealed.

I, was, in disguise. Hoping, not to, be revealed.

Don't hide me, please. I had wants. I'm, now revealed. It's over.


Hidden I was. I'm not an actor. I had my wants, hoping, not to, be revealed.

I'm revealed, it's over. Reveal me.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Acting, for real.:


Did you know, acting and role playing, are different things. I do role play, but I don't make acts. Role playing, games, for me.

Acting and role playing are different things. I role play, true. Acting real life, a different thing, for me anyway.


Did you know that acting and role play, are, two, different things. I do role play, but I don't act. Role playing for me, it's a game.

I'm the warrior, I'm the sorcerer. I don't like being a rogue.


Did you know that acting and role playing, are two different things. I do role play, but acting not. Role playing, for me is a game.

Role play with me. Do not act, for I can see.

I'm the warrior, I'm the sorceror. Don't like being the rogue.

Role playing with me. I do not act, for I can see.


Do you know that acting and role play are different things. Please, do role play, but do not act, for I can see. Role playing is a game.

Done with it. La la la la, la la la la.

Have fun.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Women's suffrage.:


It's today. Men and women, still, I hope, considered equal as beings. In the spiritual sense however.

Once upon a time, men and women, considered different beings. At maternal times, women the supreme. At the times of the patriarchal, men were the supreme sex.


It's today. Men and women, still, I hope, considered equal as beings. In the spiritual sense however.

The patriarchal days, men ruled the world, forgotten the days of maternity. Vice versa.

I remember Women's suffrage.


It's today. Men and women, still, I hope, considered equal as beings. In the spiritual sense however.

Please, do not touch lightly on this matter, of mine. I have hard on feeling, upon this matter. It's still, my, matter, a matter of mine.


It's today. Men and women, still, I hope, considered equal as beings. In the spiritual sense however.

Can we be the same. We are, men aswell as women. It's suffrage.

We are equal, in the spiritual sense. Under the heaven, nothing matters.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er inspirert av, såvel som laget av, åndelig lære, som f.eks. åndelig alternativ og Martinus kosmologisk, teori.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


When the bells ring.:


I'm awake, waiting for a call. When the bells ring, I will not fall. Waiting for the call.

I'm awake, waiting for something to happen. I'm waiting for the call. When the bells ring, I will be ready, for something to happen at all.


I'm awake, waiting for a call. When the bells ring, I will not fall. Waiting for the call.

It is a spiritual law, when waiting for the bells to ring. Be ready for the call. Something will happen when waiting, for anything at all.


I'm awake, waiting for a call. When the bells ring, I will not fall. Waiting for the call.

I'm waiting. It is a spiritual law. Can't do anything, at all. It's a spiritual law, something will happen, even though, I can't do anything at all.

Something will happen, it's a law. Can't stop the world.

Life must go on.


I'm awake, waiting for a call. When the bells ring, I will not fall. Waiting for the call.

Only two things can happen, when waiting for a call. Either you act or fall. In either case, I can't do anything at all, ... , something will happen. Live on.


I'm awake, waiting for a call. When the bells ring, I will not fall. Waiting for the call.

There are spiritual laws. This is one of them. Waiting for the call. When the bells ring, be ready, or fall. My concerns to you. Never fall, ... , please will you.

Awaken, ready conciousness.

Don't mind this, only if you will.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 25.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The white strand.:


It's the beach. I find, in the sand, the white of strands.

Can you walk with me, to the beach. In the sand, I found, white strands.


It's the beach. I find, in the sand, the white of strands.

Bear over with me, for in the sand, there are white strands.

In the sand. It's the beach. Looking at the ocean.


It's the beach. I find, in the sands, still the same, the white of strands.

Follow me. To the ocean. I found, on the beach, strands of white.

I found, on the beach, two or three white strands. Follow me, please.

Searching the ocean, the past, my mind is free.


It's the beach. I find, in the sand, the white of strands.

La la la la, la la la la.

Searching for the past.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Adam and Eve.:


There was Adam and Eve. They came from Eden. Heaven and Hell.

It was in the morning, Adam and Eve, they lived in Eden. It was heaven.

Heard about Heden?


There was Adam and Eve. They came from Eden. Heaven and Hell.

So, the afternoon, Adam and Eve, ate an apple. They went to Hell, it was Heden.

Heden, a different name for Hell.

Heden was Earth. Adam, and Eve, forgot Eden, forgot about Heaven.


There was Adam and Eve. They came from Eden. Heaven and Hell.

So, we came from Eden, Adam and Eve, and Earth is Hell.

Heden, or Hell, whatever, I don't think Earth is hell.

Please, explain, to me this evening, the difference between Earth and Hell. I'm sure there is a difference between Heden, Hell, and Earth, whatever.


There was Adam and Eve. They came from Eden. Heaven and Hell.

The evening came. Adam and Eve was in Hell. They became savages.


There was Adam and Eve. They came from Eden. Heaven and Hell.

There are many tales of Adam and Eve.

Good night.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst om en fra min side oppdiktet helgen, som jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg har ment å oppdikte denne helgenen, og vet ikke om beskrivelsen skulle korrelere med en virkelig helgen.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


St. Helena.:

Have you heard of this saint. St. Helena, of christianity.

Helena since she were a child, always believed in God.

The father of Helena, free of mind. Her mother, caring for her.

The saint Helena, of christianity, believed in God.

Helena, chose the way of good, in the name of Christ.

This is early childhood, Helena the child.

Helena grew up a saint.

St. Helena, of Christ, still, believed in God.

Christ her master, no, her God the teacher.

St. Helena, of Christ, believed, deeply, in God.

No one really knew St. Helena.

She lived in the name of God.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, 28.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


To live a thousand years.:


I want to live. I am alive. Living, for a thousand years, on distant stars.

I am alive. Living, for a thousand years. I wish to, walk on Earth, like the gigants.


I want to live. I'm alive. Living, for a thousand years, not on distant stars.

I live. Walking on Earth, for thousand years. Can I live, a thousand years? Yes, on distant stars. ... Lightyears away.


I want to live. I am alive. How can I, live a thousand years? On distant stars?

Living, on Earth, for thousand years, you say? Can you this life, of a thousand years? On Earth, you say, on distant stars maybe.

Many lightyears away. Living, for thousands of years, thousand lightyears away.


I wanted to live. I am alive. How could I, a thousand years live? Lightyears away?

Forever young.

Not on distant stars.

We are forever.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, 29.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


At home.:


I'm home. For sleep, food and rest. Did you see my apartment.

I go to work. It's my apartment. I'm not a carpenter, though.


I'm home. For sleep, food and rest. Did you see my apartment.

My car. No overdrive gear, though, my car, in silver grey.


I'm home. For sleep, food and rest. Did you see my apartment.

My spouse, not, for your eyes, here. Rather see my car, apartment, I have a job.


I'm home. For sleep, food and rest. Did you see my apartment.

Poor or riches, I'm a man at home.


I'm home. For sleep, food and rest. Did you see my apartment.

My friends, are lost. I'm a man of riches, I'm not poor. Not seen my apartment, yet?


I'm home. For sleep, food and rest. Did you see my apartment.

Home, sweet home.

La la la la.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 29.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


From youth to death.:


It was the fresh breeze of the windful trees in the garden. She saw her face. Why are you sorry?

Flowers grow, in our garden. I can see your face. We are young. Since youth, we were. It's a windfull morning.


It was the fresh breeze of the windful trees in the garden. She saw her face. Why are you sorry?

Flowers grow, in our garden. It's afternoon. Can I see your face. Since youth, we were. I remember a morning.


It was the fresh breeze of the windful trees in the garden. I saw your face. Why are you sorry?

Flowers, still, grow, in our garden. We are old, it's evening. Let's go to bed, I must sleep.


There was a fresh breeze of the windful trees in the garden. I saw your face. Why are you sorry?

Flowers, no longer, grow, in the garden. It's night, and the windful breeze of old trees, in the garden, no longer wishper.


There was a fresh breeze of the windful trees in the garden. They saw one other's faces. There are mirrors. Don't be sorry.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Playing games.:


I don't play anyones game. I don't bet, risking lives. I play computer games, though.

Heard about people playing games? I'm not talking strip poker. They, ... , bet to climb Mount Everest.


I don't play anyones game. I don't bet, risking lives. I play computer games, though.

I don't bet. I don't play games. Never been to Vegas. I play computer games, though.

Used to play Pacman. It's a computer games. Too old, I hardly mention, ... , old ghosts.


These days. I, now, play this computer game. It's a first person perspective game, it's called Quake. I'm not sure Quake is a role play game. I don't do role play, no games, real life.


I don't play anyones game. I don't bet, risking lives. I play computer games, though.

So, real life games, no strip poker by me, by the way, no real life games for me.

You, may, disagree. I, still, play computer games. ... No way to change my mind.


I don't play games. I don't bet, risking lives. I don't bet, for Mount Everest now. My girlfriend, is not fond of computers. Goodbye for now.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den handler om å dra på interrail.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 31.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---




I'm going on a trip. It's time for Interrail. Passport, bank- and creditcard.

I'm going on a trip. It's time for Interrail. My turn now.


I'm going on a trip. It's time for Interrail. Passport, bank- and creditcard.

Looking forward to this. It's my, first time. It's my turn, or tournée will you.


I'm going on a trip. It's time for Interrail. Passport, bank- and creditcard.

Need a friend.

It's Interrail time. Need a friend, for the backpacker's trip.

It's Interrail time. Interrail is Europe, trains all the time.

In need of a friend. Europe, be, my friend, forever and from now of.


I'm going on a trip. It's time for Interrail. Passport, bank- and creditcard.

In need of a friend you are, I can see. Come with me, on Interrail.

Love taking trains, sleep and good night.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den bygger på fortidens fakta, så godt som jeg kan huske dem.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 31.10.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The techies.:


Hello there! Let me tell you of, men behind the Internet. I'm not talking about the sky.

I remember the techies. Men behind the Internet. I'm still not talking about the sky.

The techno gurus, talking. The Internet, Unix, acid design, talking about the sky.


Hello there! Let me tell you of, men behind the Internet. I'm not talking about the sky. Nor clouds, for the sake of that.

Unix was a Tower of Babel. Not talking about the sky. They are not freaks. Talking about mathematicians and statiticians, you tell me.


Hello there! Let me tell you of, men behind the Internet. I'm not talking about the sky. Talking about the sun, for the sake of that.

I remember the techies. A difference here, techies, not techno gurus, to be precise.

Men behind the Internet the are, or, they were. Internet, Unix, and acid design. Not talking about the sky, just so you know it.

Dare to be yourself. No drinking, no smoking, no alcohol, the keyboard with a monitor, it's terminal. Remember some fresh air. The sun exists. Apropo, talking about the sky.

Dare to be yourself.


Hello there! Let me tell you of, men behind the Internet. I'm not talking about the sky. Talking about the weather, now.

So, be it. Men behind the Internet, the techies and the gurus, of the past. I need, my cup of coffée now.


Hello there, again! Told you of, men behind the Internet. Talking about the sky, for now. Let's have this discussion later. It was nice. Be seeing you again. Later.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


She is psychic.:


She is standing, there, in her red dress. Eyes of azure. She is psychic.

Don't look at her eyes. I'm staring. She won't see. At the ballroom dancing.


She is standing, there, in her red dress. Eyes of azure. She is psychic.

We are dancing. Looking at her eyes. She is not psychic.

Psychic is the other one.


She is standing, there, in her red dress. Eyes of azure. She is psychic.

Staring again. She won't see. She is dancing.

Eyes so sure. She's not looking. My heart for your thoughts.

At the ballroom dancing. In her red dress. Eyes so sure. She is psychic.

Could I, just, be so sure.

Eyes of azure. My heart for your thoughts.

At the ballroom dancing. In her red dress. Eyes so sure. She is psychic.

Could I, just, fer sure. She is looking. My heart for your thoughts.


She is standing, there, in her red dress. Eyes of azure. She is psychic.

No noone, for nothing.

Eyes so sure.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er to sangtekster jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg har, i disse to sangtekstene, forsøkt å etterlikne den virkelighet jeg kjenner til, så godt jeg kan. Begge tekstene omhandler det vi i dag gjerne kaller synskhet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I know a psychic woman.:

I know this psychic. Does she see scarlett? No, she sees in violet, russet and red. She can see the colors of a rainbow.

What a psychic can see. Colors of a rainbow, for me.

This psychic, you know. Does she see scarlett? She can see, violet, russet, and red. She sees colors of a rainbow.

A psychic can see. Your face in colors of russet, red, and all colors. You self still see.

So, tell me, seeing can be your face.

Remember, wear normal clothing. This, so she can see.

This psychic, I know. She doesn't see scarlett, got it right? She sees, all of, the colors of rainbows.

I can myself, not see, like a psychic. So, she must see the colors of rainbows, for me.

Be yourself, remember, this is you, not me. I don't see scarlett, for you to see.

Seeing is the ocean.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Psychics of the past.:


Psychics of the past. Also the past had their psychics. They were priests and popes.

I remember the psychics of the past. As a priest, or pope, not. The inner calling.


Psychics of the past. Also the past had their psychics. They were priests and popes. Merely a psychic not.

The psychics of the past. Remember the witch hunt. A psychic was a priest, a witch not, neither pest nor plague.


Psychics of the past. Also the past had their psychics. They were priests and popes. Merely psychics not.

I remember the psychics of the past. Not a witch, maybe a pope, still, the pest not.


Psychics of the past. Also the past had psychics. They were like priests and popes. Merely psychics not. For that sake.

Could you love a psychic? The inner calling.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 02.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I'm the robot.:


I'm the robot, my name is Jane. Let me do a dance, for you.

I am a robot. My name is Jane. I move my arm forward, I move my arm backwards.


I'm the robot, my name is Jane. Let me do a dance, for you.

The robot I am. My name is still Jane. When I walk it's slowly. Let me make a run for you.


I'm the robot, my name is Jane. Let me do a dance, for you.

Being a robot, can be bore. So, I dance for you.

I'm a robot, my name is Jane. Did I do a dance, did I entertain you?

My name was Jane, I was a robot. Entertain I do, not as a robot, not as Jane, it's not for living. Entertain, I still, do.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 03.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Stars falling from heaven.:


Have you ever heard of a star falling down? Stars, falling, from heaven. Falling, from the sky.

It's not a meteorite. It's a star, from clearest sky.


Have you ever heard of a star falling down? Stars, falling, from heaven. Falling, from the sky.

The clearing. It's a meteorite, or a star, you tell me, it belongs to the sky.


Have you ever heard of a star falling down? Stars, falling, from heaven. Falling, from the sky.

The lights, of stars, on the sky. It's heaven.


Have you ever heard of a star falling down? Stars, falling, from heaven. Falling, from the sky.

I don't believe, I, a star can fall from heaven, nor the sky.

Heard of this star, in the clearing, wich fell from the sky. It was not heaven.

I don't think stars should fall from the sky. Not when it's no heaven.

Stars never, ever, fall from sky. It must be a meteor.

Stars shine, on heaven.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 03.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The bridal fair.:


The bridal fair, this is. She took the boat. Silky sweet. And jumped.

It was the early morning. It was the bridal fair. Wedding in the air.


The bridal fair, this is. She took the boat. Silky sweet. And jumped.

Looking forward to the honeymoon, dear.


The bridal fair, this is. She took the boat. Silky sweet. And jumped.

Your bridal dress so fair. Waiting for church.


The bridal fair, this is. She took the boat. Silky sweet. And jumped.

The bride runaway. Waiting for bells to ring.


The bridal fair, this is. She took the boat. Silky sweet. And jumped.

No bride at church. She was drowned, they said.

It's a bridal fair. She took the boat, and jumped.

She has, now, drowned.

No wedding, folks, please just leave back home.

The bells have talled. There are noone, just go home.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er inspirert av, blant annet, Martinus og Martinus kosmologi.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 03.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The bridal veil.:


I can see the bride standing at the alter. The bridal veil fell to the ground. The silence.

The bride, and the groom, at the alter. It's marriage time.


I can see the bride standing at the alter. The bridal veil fell to the ground. The silence.

The bride is gone. A bridal veil, falling to the floor.

She married, not him, she married Christ. Still wearing her bridal clothing.

She is with God, she married Christ. Gone is the bride.


I can see the bride standing at the alter. The bridal veil fell to the ground. The silence.

The priest, calling her a man. She is the bride, she is still wearing the bridal clothing. Her bridal veil fell to the ground.

Immersed in silence.

I can see a bride standing at the alter. Her bridal veil has fallen to the ground. The silence is immersing.

The priest, calling her a man. Her groom not Christ. The silence was immersing.

As a silence, passed by. She is a man, inside. Someone has to pick up the bridal veil.

Now, with God she is, and with Christ. As she is wearing the white bridal clothing.

Tell me, priest, is the bride gone? A silence, passed by. Again I tell you, she married Christ.

God be with you.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den handler blant annet om "the sorceress" som vi kjenner fra tidligere sangtekster jeg har forfattet. Det skulle ikke være så vanskelig å skjønne hvilken av "the sorceresses" jeg mener.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 04.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I'm a woman - the sorceress.:


I'm a woman. The sorceress I am. Do you want to join me on my next adventure.

It's time for adventure. Tell me where in the world, we're gonna' go.


I'm a woman. The sorceress I am. Do you want to join me on my next adventure.

A sorceress I am, I don't deal in magics, I use my mind.


I'm a woman. The sorceress I am. Do you want to join me on my next adventure.

The mind. Your will. Have no fear, this can take you miles and miles from here, in an instant.


I'm a woman. The sorceress I am. Do you want to join me on my next adventure.

So, the question. You are free to join me, on my next adventure. Wich will be, now.

I'm a woman. The sorceress I am. I may not be a woman of your kind. Still want to join me, on this adventure of mine. There are many. I'll mention them, as we walk along.

Still want to join me. It's ok, as we go along.

The sorceress.

Vive Esmeralda.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet, om søsken, her, i litt modnere alder.

Markus Gyltnes, 04.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Asking the sister about girls.:


Sister, please, I have this question for you. Hoping you would mind.

Sister, please, how do I ask girls. I'm not asking you.


Sister, please, I have this question for you. Hoping you would mind.

Please yourself, calm down. So, you're asking me of girls.


Sister, please, I have this question for you. Hoping you would mind.

Right answer is, girls and boys, we are mostly the same.


Sister, please, I have this question for you. Hoping you would mind.

Ask me later, about this, a day I don't mind.

Sister, please, I have this question for you. Hoping you will mind. I will, most certainly find the time. Question mandatory.

The sister and the brother, this was.

Question mandatory.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Det har vært meningen å lage en barnesang.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The white she horse.:


A white horse, on the fields. It is the white she horse.

One morning, the white she horse, ran off to the fields.


A white horse, on the fields. It is the white she horse.

The afternoon, the farmer, came home.

The she horse wasn't there.


A white horse, on the fields. It is the white she horse.

The evening came. The sun was set.

With a broken leg, the white she horse, came home.


A white horse, on the fields. It is the white she horse.

The white she horse, never ran off again.

La la la, la la la.

The white she horse, ran the fields, over and over, again.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er to sangtekster jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---




Hi, it's me Catherine. I'm off from work. It's my freetime.

Hi Monica. Have some spare time? Me and my brother, are going slalom.


Hi, it's me Catherine. I'm off from work. It's my freetime.

Were to town. Skidresses are new, from stock. Have some spare time, Monica?

Me and by bro' are going slalom. No snowboarding. You won't break a leg, Monica.


Hi, it's me Catherine. I'm off from work. It's my freetime.

Slalom is my hobby. It's something people do, on their free hours.


Hi, it's me Catherine. I'm off from work. It's my freetime.

So, you're not joining us, Monica. My brother and I, are going slalom, anyway, however, it's not your last time. Join us some other day, Monica.


Hi, it's me Catherine. I'm off from work. That was my free hours.

No more talk about this.

Goodbye, and goodnight.

This was, the sister and the brother, going skiing.

Farewell and goodnight.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---




It's my spare time. I have a hobby, nifty and fine. Do you?

Hobbies, in my spare time. Do you have a hobby?


It's my spare time. I have a hobby, nifty and fine. Do you?

I'm a student. Hobbies, in my time off. Do you study too?


It's my spare time. I have a hobby, nifty and fine. Do you?

(Other voice.:) To be honest, I have no hobby, and, no spare time.


It's my spare time. I have a hobby, nifty and fine. Are you joking?

(Other voice.:) I'm a student, are you?

Enough about this. It's just spare time and hobbies.


--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.11.2015.

Digresjon til "the sister and the brother".

I forbindelse med "bror og søster"-sangtekstene, tenkte jeg å si dette. Jeg har som tidligere sagt ikke noen biologisk søster. Men, jeg har derimo hatt en storestesøster. Jeg var før i tiden usikker på, av forskjellige grunner, om denne stesøsteren min var en virkelig stesøster. Noe som jeg i senere tid har kommet frem til at det var, ikke bare en storestesøster i navnet, men også i virkeligheten. "The sister and the brother"-sangtekstene bygger på en blanding av egne og samtalte, med andre søskens, erfaringer.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Vacation time.:


We are a sister and a brother, going on vacation. The sun, clouds, the beach and ocean.

It's summer time. We are on vacation. At the beach now.


We are a sister and a brother, going on vacation. The sun, clouds, the beach and ocean.

My bro', over there, with some fellows, guys and their girls.


We are a sister and a brother, going on vacation. The sun, clouds, the beach and ocean.

Sitting here, on the beach. I'm the sister, talking here, with some female friends of me.


We are a sister and a brother, going on vacation. The sun, clouds, the beach and ocean.

The sister, and the brother, on the beach.

This was, as you know, the sister and the brother, on vacation.

Goodnight, and goodbye, for now.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Shadow wolf's story.:


I am Shadow wolf. My loved one, stolen, from me. I will find her, in the forest.

I am Shadow wolf. I saddle up my black colored horse. I will find her, in the forest.


I am Shadow wolf. My loved one, stolen, from me. I will find her, in the forest, with them.

It was night. Shadow wolf, found her. Her family is dead, hippocrits, so Shadow wolf called them.


I am Shadow wolf. My loved one, stolen, from me. I will find her, in the forest, with those of her near.

Shadow wolf, made it, home. His wife this is. The story of Shadow wolf.


I am Shadow wolf. My loved one, stolen, from me. I will find her, in the forest, with them.

The end, of Shadow wolf's story.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---




It was the times, when barbarians, slaugtered over the land.

On the mountain, Alaxah, his name. His friend, by the name Abraxah.


It was the times, when barbarians, slaugtered over the land.

In a clearing. It's the forest. Xylaxah, the great one.


It was the times, when barbarians, slaugtered over the land.

The clearing. At those times, Alaxah, Xylaxah and their friend, Abraxah.


It was the times, when barbarians, slaugtered, and the sorcerers were the lords, over the land. The times of Lord.

Times of Lord, were lost up through the centuries, and thousands of years.

Times of Lord, were, days of war.

Finally, the clearing.

The days of Lord.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 06.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The witches.:

I remember the witches. The witch, and the warlock. Both sexes a witch.

The woman, a witch. The warlock for a man. Both of the sexes, a witch.

I remember the witches. A witch, and a warlock. Both sexes.

The seasons, of a witch. Not the equinoxes only, but full moon. Not wolf night.

I remember the witches. The witches and warlocks, of the maternal times.

Witchcraft, not for me. You may have heard of the shadowbook. The shades of magic.

I remember the witches, of lore. The witch a woman, warlocks men. But, both sexes a witch.

The witches of lore, this was. The witch a woman, the man a warlock, this is my guess. Both sexes, a witch. Goodbye, and goodnight, fellows.

The witches of lore.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 07.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The psionic forces.:

Lights of silk blue, silver grey, sitrine, and russet. Not the shades of magic. For you.

Heard of PSI. They are the psionic forces. For you, the psionic forces, not the shades of grey.

Lights of silk blue, silver grey, sitrine, and russet. Not the shades of magic. For you.

Tired of black, white and grey? They are the lights of PSI. No shades, nor no shadows, for you.

Lights of silk blue, silver grey, sitrine, and russet. Not the shades of magic. Here for you.

Psionic forces, not, the same as magic. I tell you, the inventor of PSI, a universal genious.

So, lights of silk blue, silver grey, sitrine, russet and others more. They are not the shades of magic. Black magic, that to say.

PSI for me, not you, maybe. They are the shades of grey, you tell me. Still, talking about black magic.

So, lights of silk blue, silver grey, sitrine, russet and others more. They are the colors of, the psionic forces. Not black magic, so to say.

Your choice, not mine. PSI for me, not all the different shades of grey.

Colors of psionic forces, forthran, grey shades of magic.

The cosmic chemistry.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 07.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Magic - the sorceress.:

Hi, there, again. I'm here to tell you. The following. I'm the sorceress, and it's about magic. You certainly guessed.

I am, more fond of, mind power. Magic is white.

Hi, again. I'm here to tell you, the following. I'm a sorceress, and what, I will tell, you certainly have guessed.

I am, fond of, the power of mind. Magic is white. Not, shades of grey.

I am, here, to tell you. I'm the sorceress, and what I will tell you, you certainly have guessed.

The power of the mind, for me my friend. Magic, is, not always white.

Shades of grey, my hair. Two strong legs. And, my arms for a walking staff.

The sorceress so white.

Vive Esmeralda.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er inspirert av meg, mitt eget liv, og mitt forhold til "The founder of Sahaja Yoga; Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 07.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The wind.:

He fell for Shri Majja. A woman, I believe, not of his. The wind obsumed his body. I will higher.

An usher. The wind he saw. He had fallen for Shri Majja, a woman, I believe, not of his. I will higher.

First came the wind, it obsumed him so. An usher. The wind he saw. Even higher, now.

Next, the usher. He saw the wind. Come to Shri Majja. The wind saw him. Higher, now.

Thirdly, he was obsumed with the wind, I believe, a wind of his. The wind saw him. For now.

It was night. The wind saw him, I believe so, a wind not of his own. The wind of his. Nextly, now.

The morning rose. He had a wind, of his own. So much for Shri Majja. The end, now.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 07.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Stories of the past.:


So, we are here, at the library. The librarian is here. Will you, ask, for a book, will you.

Stories, of the past are here. Did you bring a thermos?

(Voice of the librarian.:) No thermos, is, allowed here.


So, we are here, at the library. The librarian is here. Will you, ask, for a book, will you.

Do you remember, the story of Alexandria. There was, a library, in Alexandria.

(Other voice.:) I remember, it's called The Library of Alexandria.


So, we are here, at the library. The librarian is here. Wait with the book, will you. The Library of Alexandria.

(Other voice.:) Savages burned the scrolls of the library. Did the library, itself, burn down, to the ground? I myself, don't know.

(Original voice.:) All, I know, is that savages burned, all the scrolls, then afterwards, the library, itself, disappeared.


So, we are here, at the library. The librarian, left. Wait with a book, will you. The Library of Alexandria.

(Other voice.:) A Library of Alexandria, this is not. For, as far as I remember, the library, was the biggest library, ever.


So, we are here, at the library. The librarian, is gone. No book, will you, it's time to leave.

The Library of Alexandria, wich, belongs to the past.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The earth is Riemann.:


I am Snowbird, one superhero you may know. I fly round the earth.

I am Snowbird, one superhero you should know. I fly around the earth. The earth is not round, it's Riemann.


I am Snowbird, one superhero you may know. I fly round the earth.

I am Snowbird, and, I know, the earth is not round, it's Riemann.


I am Snowbird, one superhero you may know. I fly round, and round, the earth.

Riemann is not a componer. Not even of the ancient times.


I am Snowbird, one superhero you may know. I fly round, and round, the earth.

I fly, round and round the earth. It's like the piano. I play, Riemann.


I am Snowbird, one superhero you maybe know. I fly around, and round the earth. The earth, is, for me, like Riemann.

Riemann, a man you should know. For me, Snowbird, like a piano, I play, Riemann.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The sorceress, her clothing.:


Hi, I'm the sorceress. You know me, or not? I'm here to talk about, my clothing.

I wear clothes, I'm a sorceress, you know.


Hi, I'm the sorceress. You know me, or not? I'm here to talk about, my clothes.

I, don't, wear a, nice, outfit. I wear, normal blue jeans, and some sweaters. Am I beatiful in these, of my clothes? I don't know, no one told me, or, no one ever asked.


Hi, I'm the sorceress. You know me, or not? I'm here to talk about, my clothing. I wear clothes.

My sweaters, in silk blue, in silver grey, and green as the forest deep and wide.

They, are, my magical clothes, dunno what the sorceresses of past, wore of clothes.

I love my clothes.


Hi, I'm the sorceress. You know me, now, or not? I'm here to talk about, my clothes.

So, I love my clothes. I'm, still, young. Life is short and long.

Let's not, talk about magic now.

I'm still young, not, young forever. Life is short and long.


Hi, I'm the sorceress. You know me, now, or not? I was here, to talk about my clothes. Hoping, still, you would be satisfied.

The sorceress, so fair, and white.

Vive Esmeralda.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 09.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The sorceress, the life of a sorceress.:


Hi, I am the sorceress. Do you want to, know, the life of a sorceress.

I am a sorceress. I deal with magic, power of the mind, from a clear sky.


Hi, I am the sorceress. Do you want to, know, the life of a sorceress.

I am a sorceress. My life is. My life, is, not Tolkien. Still, many psychics that I know, see the elves.


Hi, I am the sorceress. Do you want to, know, the life of a sorceress.

Sorceresses lives, are, no surprise now, of spiritual nature.


Hi, I am the sorceress. Do you want to, know, the life of a sorceress. A sorceress, lives, until her death.

I am the sorceress, with you, here now. No surprise now. A sorceress, the sorceresses, are alone, we, live single lives.


Hi, I am the sorceress. Do you want to, know, the life of a sorceress. A sorceress, lives her life, all, untill her death.

I was the sorceress here, for you, to tell, of lives.

The life of a sorceress.

I am Elysia.


Vive Esmeralda.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den inneholder en spirituell dames sangstemme.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 12.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Age of Aquarius.:

Hello, my lady. It's Age of Aquarius, right? (Lady's voice.:) So it is.

(Lady's voice.:) It's The Age of Aquarius, right you are. Who am I? An exaltity, a chastity, am I a saint?

So, my lady. It's the age of Aquarius, am I right? (Lady's voice.:) So it is, right.

(Lady's voice.:) It's The Age of Aquarius, am I right. I am of the spiritual age. I am right. So it is, right.

So, my fair lady. It's the age of Aquarius, you are spiritual, am I right? (Lady's voice.:) So it is, rightly and just.

(Lady's voice.:) I sing. The spiritual, ones. For rightness, peace, just, and beauty of the nature. I am, spiritual, I am right.

My, fair lady. Rightness, peace, justness, and the beauty of nature, is spirituality, am I right? (Lady's voice.:) Be at rest. I am right, here.

(Lady's voice.:) Peace, at mind, a good thing. Then, who am I? The exaltity, a chastity, am I a saint? Be at rest. I am here, right?

The interview, was over. We all, went home, as usually.

Helena the saint.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 12.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird, innovation day.:

It's innovation, innovation, innovation day. I'm at work, and, I need cash.

I am Snowbird, as you know. It's innovation day at work. I'm going for a run, to the minibank.

It's innovation day, at work, and, I need cash.

As a child, I were rich. It's now, I'm alone in life. Can handle money. Not necessarily rich.

It's, still, innovation day, at work, and, I need cash.

I am Snowbird. I'll make a run for my bank. Bank- or creditcard must work. I'll let Alisa withdraw the money.

It's, still, innovation day, at work, and, I need the cash.

It is innovation day, so, I will hurry back to work. I'll let Alisa withdraw the money. There must be a minibank in order somewhere. Pondering about flying.

It's innovation day, I am Snowbird, and, I can, fly to the bank. Alisa, will, handle the money.

This was Snowbird as Alisa, at innovation day.

Alisa will handle the money, as mentioned.

Life is not about money. Enough said.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 13.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Snowbird profile.:

I am Snowbird, a superhero. I live a life. My real name, is Alisa.

I am Snowbird, a superhero you may know. Here is, my profile.

I am strong. My body is not forceful, I still have strength. ... I let Alisa be strong. Alisa is not weak, on the contrary, she is vital.

I am Snowbird, a superhero you may know. This, is my profile.

I was, born young. Alisa is not lefthanded. I am Snowbird, I use, both of my hands. I am strong.

I am Snowbird, a superhero you may know. This, is my profile, you should know.

I am Snowbird, and Alisa. I don't wear glasses. I am strong.

General health, is, my white card. I am fresh, fair and bright. Never be ill. General health, my white card.

I am Snowbird, a superhero you may know. This is my profile, I let you know. I'm a superhero know.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 13.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Snowbird file.:

This is the Snowbird file. I'm a computer scientist. I program.

I am Snowbird still. I sit here, with, my laptop, coding.

This is the Snowbird file. I'm a computer scientist. I program.

My education is, as a computer scientist. I am universal, I program. Education, universital. I'm a computer scientist, for now.

This is the Snowbird file. I'm a computer scientist. I program.

I am Snowbird still. Sitting here in silence, with, my laptop, I program.

I bring my laptop. I'm a coder, for now. Education, computer scientist.

I do my work, wich is now. Hardly ever missing out, on the importance of projects, anyway, this is for now.

It's am (Notice: It's in the morning.), shutting down, now.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Sangteksten tilhører det jeg tidligere har kalt "The Snowbird project". De fire "Snowbird"-sangtekstene over på denne websiden hører ikke direkte til "The Snowbird project", de er fra min side mer løsrevet og ikke nødvendigvis så sammenhengende, med de øvrige "Snowbird"-sangtekstene, diktning over "Snowbird"-themet. Sangene tilhørende "The Snowbird project" er ment å skulle være mer eller mindre konsistente med hverandre. Sangtekst følger nedenfor. Bare en liten notis til slutt, noen steder, der det engelske ordet "out", muligens skulle se ut til å passe inn, har jeg brukt ordet "ut", "lånt" fra det norske språk.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 16.11.2015.

Jeg la til en sangtekst, en del to, som jeg har diktet og skrevet. Det er en sangtekst del to til sangteksten jeg nevner ovenfor. Begge sangtekstene følger, samlet i en tekst nedenfor.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 16.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird, bird in a cage.:

Hi again. Let me tell you this. ... I may be, a bird in a cage. But soon, I'll fly ut.

Caught up by some supergoons, today. Let me tell you this. I may, be a bird in a cage, but soon, I'll fly ut.

I am Snowbird. And, supergoons are packs of bad eggs. I may, be a bird in a cage, but soon, I'll fly ut.

I am Snowbird, caught up, today, by supergoons. I may, not need a coloumbi egg, to get ut.

I, am, Snowbird. And, I may, be a bird in a cage, but, soon I'll fly ut.

Seeya again later.

Snowbird, bird in a cage, chapter two.:

Hi, I'm back. I was the bird in the cage, but, I flew ut.

Rethinking this morning. The supergoons. I was the bird in a cage, but I flew ut.

Didn't take me a coloumbi egg. Not quite one. ... Left the supergoons. I'll rethink this.

I'm back. Was a bird in a cage, but, now, I'm ut.

It's still today. There were some supergoons, but as I said, I'm now ut.

Recapitulating this. A usual morning, I'm back, the bird in a cage, but afterwards ut.

I always regret the times of these. A morning, as usual. Recapitulating these, afterwards.

Lastly, I'm back. Looking forward to see you, a different time. Honest, Snowbird.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst og tilhører "The Snowbird project".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Snowbird superhero profile.:

Hi again. Wanted to tell you, what kind of superhero I am. There are lots of them, you know.

I am Snowbird. I fly, I fly round and round the earth, helping people from their miseries.

I wanted to tell you, what kind of superhero I am. There are lots of them, you know. I am a flying one, ... , and I wear a superhero, black, coat.

On a daily basis, I help, people, the world around.

I wanted to tell you, what kind of superhero I am. People, need me, as the clock is round. Round around, the earth.

On a daily basis, I help, people, the world around.

Didn't want to tell you. It's secret you know, but, I do, help governments too, round and around the earth. Didn't want to tell you. ... There are no money involved, it's a superhero business, and, a superhero I am, you know.

Enough said, about this. I'm one of them, the superheroes, you know. Kisses, and, goodbye, for this time.

My name is Snowbird, I wear, a black coat. I fly round, around, the earth, helping people.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst og tilhører "The Snowbird project".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 19.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird, the underground shelter.:

I, Snowbird, who you know. Has my secret place, it's not a fortress, it's my underground shelter.

Once, upon a time. I saw fit a hiding place. I'm talking about, my, underground shelter.

I am Snowbird, whom you know. I work not for governments, I help them. Didn't want to tell you that.

For cheap trade, a bunker, from the US States Army. No money involved, for the job.

I am Snowbird. I can fly. Supposing, the strength of my arm.

Snowbird, lifted, and put down, deep, into the ground, the underground shelter, she got from the US Army.

I am Snowbird. I can fly. And, by the way, no one knows where the shelter is. I fly the world around.

This, was in short, the story of Snowbirds hideout.

Looking forward to hear from you again.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst og den tilhører "The Snowbird project".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 19.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird, a holy temple.:


I am Snowbird, a bird of sorrow, I am of tears.

Here, in my bunker, the underground shelter, of mine. Grown ups can cry. So I do, at times. In this holy temple. No one must see Snowbird cry.


I am Snowbird, a bird of sorrow, I am of tears.

In this shelter, of mine, I play my piano. It's a piano, just like at home, only smaller. In this holy temple. No one must see Snowbird cry.


I am Snowbird, a bird of sorrow, I am of tears. No one must see me cry.

Outside, the shelter, of mine. I don't cry. I can walk to the village, they have groceries.

I am Snowbird. I was a sparrow. I cried tears. No one saw me cry, I hope.

This is not conclusive, for the tale. I'll, be back later, so don't cry.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg tenker på sangteksten, blant annet, som inneholdende et slags møte mellom østens åndelige lære og vestens materielle tankegang.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.11.2015.

Jeg har lagt til en del to, en sangtekst til, som jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er, fra min side, ment som en fortsettelse på sangteksten nevnt ovenfor og som, selve sangteksten, følger nedenfor. Sangteksten som er en del to, fortsetter der del en slapp. Sangteksten som er en del to følger nedenfor, nedenfor sangteksten som er del en.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Talks about self.:

(First voice.:) Hi, I am Ahmram. Let me tell you of the self.

(Second voice.:) Tell me of the self.

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram. I, will, tell you of self.

(Second voice.:) Tell me of the self. I am your eager listener. Tell me of self.

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram, and, this will be your teaching.

(Second voice.:) I am still your eager listener. I will be any self you want me to.

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram, this is yourself. You are the one self. There are no other selves.

(Second voice.:) As I said, I am still your eager listener, and I am any self I want to be, if you don't mind.

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram. You are still yourself, the one you want to be. There are no other selves.

(Second voice.:) I'm listening, of course I am myself, I don't ask this kind of question to myself. You are yourself, the one you want to be, and so am I.

(First voice.:) I am still Ahmram. You are yourself, the one you want to be, and so am I. There are no other selves.

(Second voice.:) Listening to you, of course. Yes I am myself, but at the same time I am the one I want to be. Let's understand one another.

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram, I am myself, I don't choose who I want to be. There are no other self.

(Third voice.:) Please, don't bother Ahmram with these questions, will you. Ahmram is tired and should be at rest, for the rest of this evening. Come back later, for questions to Ahmram.

(Different voice or voices.:)

And, so, it was evening. The night is the rose, and the morning the time for Ahmram.


Talks about self, chapter two.:

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram, the morning is beautiful, you are back I see.

(Second voice.:) What will we be talking about today?

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram, there is only one self.

(Second voice.:) But, I can be several selfs.

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram, I teach you, there is one self only.

(Second voice.:) Still, I have found several selfs I can be.

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram. You and I can be several selfs, but only one at a time. It's called reincarnation.

(Second voice.:) I am myself, and, at the same time I can be several selfs I have found.

(First voice.:) I am Ahmram, for sure. There is only one self we can be.

(Second voice.:) I am sure you are Ahmram. Still I believe you and I can be many different selfs, this within an incarnation.

(First voice.:) Poor Ahmram, no, no. I am no different self, neither you or I are many different selves. We are one self, together, we are.

(Third voice.:) No more Ahmram today, will you. Ahmram is tired and should be at rest, for the rest of this evening. Come back later, for questions to Ahmram.

(Different voice or voices.:)

And, so, it was evening. The night is the rose, and the morning the time for Ahmram.


--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.11.2015.

Kommentar vedlagt sangteksten.

Det var noe jeg syntes var på tide å si, i forhold til sangtekstene. Når jeg dikter en sangtekst, pleier jeg alltid å forsøke å "bake inn" et budskap. Alle budskapene jeg har forsøkt å "bake inn" i en sangtekst når jeg dikter, har fra min side vært ment å være "budskaper inneholdende kunnskap og visdom". For meg er budskapet jeg forsøker å medbringe, meget førende for hvordan jeg forsøker å forme en sangtekst under tilblivelsen av sangteksten.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---




(First voice.:) Scumbags, er what they er. I have no motorbike, livin' happy everafter.

(Second voice.:) You know a motorbike can be hazard? I sent a diper man down the road, on a light motorcycle.


(First voice.:) Scumbags, er what they er. I have no motorbike, livin' happy everafter.

(Second voice.:) The man, diper man, took a swing down the street. Promised me he would be back. Crashed front against a car, and his dipers took the fly, ending up in a chimney. As I said, a motorbike can be dangerous.


(First voice.:) Scumbags, er what they er. I have no motorbike, livin' happy everafter.

(Suggesting here, one other or several other voices.:) This was Scum.


The word "er" used in " what they er...", is borrowed from the Norwegian language, and the word, "er", is here meant to be pronounced in the same way as in the original language. The Norwegian word "er" is here to be translated into "are".

--- Tekst slutt. ---

"Om budskapet i et kunstverk".

Jeg skal her forsøke å si noe om avsløring av budskapet i et kunstverk.

Jeg har her spesielt mine sangtekster i tanken når jeg uttaler meg. For den type kunst det her gjelder, foreslår jeg at regelen er den at kunsteren ikke uttaler seg om eller går nærmere inn på, åpent eller offentlig, hvilket budskap den gjeldende kunstneren har forsøkt å eller ment å "bake inn" i kunstverket sitt. Grunnen til dette er den at når det gjelder denne typen kunst så skal den enkelte av publikumerne få være i fred fra kunstneren, med sin opplevelse av og egne tanker om budskaper og andre betydninger liggende i det gjeldende kunstverket, dette ihvertfall etter min mening. Det jeg her blant annet forsøker å si, er at det etter min mening, med denne typen kunst er sånn at det skal gode grunner til før kunstneren uttaler seg om eventuelle budskaper som han eller hun har forsøkt å "bake inn" i kunstverket.

Til slutt, igjen, jeg hadde her spesielt mine sangtekster i tanken.

Markus Gyltnes, 2015.

Sted og dato for posting av artikkelen/teksten over: Tromsø, 22.11.2015.

"På denne websiden fortsetter samlingen av sangtekster".

På denne websiden fortsetter samlingen av sangtekster. "Lyrics" websiden inneholder i de første, "opprinnelige", og initielle sangtekstene, i samlingen sangtekster. "Lyrics" websiden fortsatte på "Lyrics, page 2" websiden, hvor mer "hardføre sangtekster" ble lagt ut. Noen av sangtekstene på "Lyrics, page 2" websiden er etter min smak mer "hardføre" enn de opprinnelige. Det gås litt eller noe, ut over grensene til det vi kjenner som f.eks. moral og sed og skikk. Dette gjelder "Lyrics, page 2" websiden sett med mine øyne, i forhold til "Lyrics" websiden. Når det gjelder denne tredje websiden for samlingen av sangtekster, "Lyrics, page 3" websiden, så har jeg ingen spesielle planer for denne, og den vil i utgangspunktet, etter planen, bli brukt på samme måte som "Lyrics, page 2" websiden, bare det at det er en ny webside - "Lyrics, page 2" websiden nærmet seg det som etter mitt skjønn er en overfull webside sett i forhold til det gjeldende innholdet. Som sagt, det er ingen særskilte planer for "Lyrics, page 3" websiden, det er meningen at den skal fortsette som "Lyrics, page 2" websiden uten noen forandringer.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.11.2015.

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Martial man.:


(First voice.:) A married man I am. Martial arts, no longer for me. I will live happy everafter.

(Second voice.:) Do you know martial men. Men of physical strength and stamina, their will goes along.


(First voice.:) A married man I am. Martial arts, no longer for me. I will live happy everafter.

(Second voice.:) Martial men, I say to you, men lacking physical strengh and stamina, their wills weak are.

(Second voice.:) There are a difference between these two martial men.


(First voice.:) A married man I am. Martial arts, no longer for me. I will live happy everafter.

(Second voice.:) This night, I told a bull in suit of a martial diper man. He practices martial arts. Never mind, the bull answered.

(First voice.:) A married man I am. Martial arts for me. I will live happy everforth.

(Second voice.:) I made the martial diper man, no strength, stamina, no will, bump forcefully into the bull, spilling his cocktail on him. Mister bull man, beat him up. Be no martial diper man.

(First voice.:) A married man I am. Martial arts for me. Will I live happy everafter?

(Third voice.:) Diper man is everywhere. Glad I am not one of them.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The fall.:

Heard of the celebrity, this day, who wanted me to kill him. Waiting for the fall.

A celebrity, put gently in my arms. Please kill me, said he. I don't want to be a celebrity like him, just waiting for the fall. Being a celebrity in dishonest, can make you die.

Heard of this celebrity, today, who wanted me to kill him. I'm waiting for the fall.

No, I answered, I will not kill you, ruining my life. Go find some other, to kill you, or kill yourself.

Heard of the celebrity, today, who killed himself. I was waiting for the fall of the celebrity.

I don't kill celebrities, it can make you a celebrity yourself, just waiting for the fall. Being a celebrity in dishonest, is the fall, it can make you kill yourself.

I don't wait for the fall, I'm no celebrity.

Viva la vista.

I don't go around, killing myself.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Young forever.:

Young forever. Do you wanna be young forever.

I am young. I wish not dying. Can I be, young forever.

Young forever. Do you wanna be young forever.

I am, still, young. I wish to live. Can I live forever.

Forever young. Do you wanna live forever.

I am young. I can this life. Life forever.

Youth, forever youth. Life can be, everlasting. Do you believe so. Life is, already, forever.

Forever young. Do you wanna live forever. Youth is on the outside. Life is, already, forever. Be young in your soul. Do you want a life forever, it is already so.

La la la la, la la la la. It is already so.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. De siste av sangtekstene, jeg mener "Scum", "Martial man", "The fall" og nå denne "The bully and the looser", har hatt som tema blant annet det med "bøllen og bøllens offer". Jeg begynner å tretne litt på disse sangene, og dette temaet blant annet. Har tenkt på om publikum også begynner å bli trett av dette temaet, og disse sangene; "Scum", "Martial man" osv. . Jeg får bare vente og se om det blir flere av dem, eller om noen nye tanker, eller ny inspirasjon dukker opp.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 25.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The bully and the looser.:

I saw a man on the streets, yesterday. He was looking like the loosers of yours.

The looser of yours, wore worn out pants and a dirty shirt. His face was pale.

A bully, of yours, surfaced from the crowd. He yelled to the man in the street, and gave him a bruiser so his eye got blue.


This is a song of bullies and loosers. La la la la, la la la la. Bullies and bullies' victims.

I decided myself, talked to your looser. You look like hell. Go home, put some cold water in your face. And, change trousers, remember a clean shirt. Turned him around in the middle of the street. Go back home, here you will loose.


This is a song of bullies and loosers. La la la la, la la la la. Bullies and bullies' victims.

What we can learn from this story of mine, is, don't look like a looser on the streets, of a big city, anyway. Loosers should shape up, or someone should make them.


This is a song of bullies and loosers. La la la la, la la la la. Bullies and bullies' victims.

I don't classify your so called loosers, as loosers to be. Neither should you. The loosers, of yours, should shape up, or someone should make them. No loose ends on the streets.

Viva la vista.

No looser, neither me nor you. La la la la. No loose ends.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Your local shaman.:

Hi, I'm your local shaman. I don't deal with spiderdust, I do herbs.

Drinking, not for me. I don't, empty barrels. Shamanism for me.

When the sun is falling, from the east. The red heavens' atmosphere.

Shamanism for me. Never lost the hope, to see, you again.

Vide de la granada.

I hope to see again, windows of the soul.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Og som vanlig har jeg ikke forsøkt meg som faglig folklorist.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The shaman sorcerer.:

Hei and hop, here I am, your local shaman. Some time, no see.

The shaman sorcerer, my friend. Can con a whole army passing the tracks of his.

Hei and hop, again. Here I am, your local, friendly, shaman. Some time, long see.

The shaman sorcerer, my friend, hides in the sands of your.

Hei and hop, the shaman sorcerer, eaten up by flees. Flees, by the way, are many mees.

Hei and hop, it's me, your local shaman sorcerer. I'm full of flees. I was hiding in the sands of your.

I'm your local shaman, remember, and, he is the shaman sorcerer. Our show is over. It's time for you to go home. I'm your local shaman, you know, and the two of us will be here, for another show.

The shamans of lore, made shows.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Her har jeg forsøkt meg på litt mysterie-diktning, uten å hermed påskrive meg å være mystiker.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 27.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Young for eternal.:

I am young, young forever. Young for eternal. I have eternity at hands.

Could this planet, live forever. I wanna be young.

My secret is, young forever, an ancient song.

The song, forever. It's not Amen, it's Athum a different name of God.

God have many names. The song forever, young for eternal, it's not Amen, it's Athum for God.

Young forever, forever young, revived many souls.

Vive Swadhiswahara.

Forever young.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den bygger blant annet på en del ting jeg har oppfattet som spesielle ting om sjamaner. Disse særskilte tingene har jeg lest om og/eller hørt om, et eller flere steder, på TV ikke utelukket.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 27.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The master shaman.:

It's time, now, to hear the master shaman talking. For the speech.

Master shaman, master shaman, please, hold a speech.

It's time, now, to hear the master shaman talking. For the speech, now.

Master shaman, please, hold me a speech.

(The master shaman's voice.:) Hear me. Dying, is wasting life. You must fly on the freedom wings, just like The Spirit.

It's time, now, not tomorrow, to hear the master shaman. For the speech, now.

(The master shaman's voice.:) Hear me. If you die, to late it will be, to fly on the wings of freedom. Don't die on me now. There will, certainly, be a tomorrow, in the hands of The Spirit. While the bird is in hands, it does not fly.

Master shaman, I will not to die.

It's time, now, not tomorrow, to hear master shaman talking. For the other speech, now.

Master shaman, will I die without the wings of freedom.

(The master shaman's voice.:) Hmm, hmm, hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm. I can, certainly, see you in The Spirit's hands. Maybe afterwards you'll learn flying. Flying, on the wings of freedom, requires you to be alive.

(Third voice, or voices.:) Flying on the wings of freedom, is living, not death. Breathe the air of life. Time will show you. Time, showing you how to live, and not to die. Time, again, will show you the order of things.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst om "Evig ung", som jeg har diktet og skrevet, basert på blant annet sagnet om et liv i evig ungdom. Det er meningen at dette skal være min siste sangtekst kretsende om "Evig ung"-temaet, ihvertfall på en lang stund.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 27.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Everlasting youth.:

Everlasting. For an eternity, being young.

Living, eternally, a life of youth, beauty and strength.

I wish to live for eternal.

Can you stand the passing of time.

The ages of human life, forever changing.

Life is in flux, you will see,

as the time passes by.

Life is forever, in the records of heaven.

You will see the truth, soon enough.

Life doesn't have to be forever,

returning back to heaven.

This is the truth, of life eternal.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 28.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The treaterous rose.:

The rose can be treaterous. The treaterous rose.

I see the rose. Without touching it, I can feel the rose's sting.

The red cheeks of the rose. The rose cannot see, her eyes,

I feel the sting, of the rose so treaterous. Can I be without the rose?

Can life be what I want it to be?

Choose the rose, if you like. Choose not the rose so poisonous,

so treaterous, if you ask me. Life can be a flower opening it's leafs.

So treaterous, the rose. The garden is full of flowers, choose not

the rose, but a flower of the spring.

Can life be what I want it to be?

Choose among the roses, if you like. They each have their, own, sting.

The rose, so treaterous. Choose among the flowers of spring.

Life is a flower opening it's leafs, if you want. Do, please, without the rose.

Choose from the heavenly garden.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 29.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Golden Lady.:

My fair child. Have you heard of the lady dressed in purest gold. This is The Golden Lady.

My fair child. The Golden Lady, of times, when mum and dad were bankerrotte.

The Golden Lady, sings a song, in your ear, child. The Golden Lady, of times, when we are bankerrotte.

The Golden Lady, child. The Lady of Gold she is not, The Golden Lady, of times, when we are bankerrotte.

Sing a song, child. Any song. It may be a song of the lady dressed in gold, she who sings songs at night, in your ear, child. This is The Golden Lady, who will keep you from bankerrotte.

The lady of golden clothes, dressed in gold. A lady of nighttime she is, so don't expect to hear songs, during the day.

The lady of gold, golden clothing, dressed in gold. The lady of nighttime is she. I wish I was dressed in gold, like she, my child.

My master's voice.

The Golden Lady, sings songs of your dreams.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. God jul og advent.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 29.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Clever girl.:

It was christmas. All the Santas. I ponder to buy, to my daughter, a doll.

(The girl's voice.:)

It is christmas. I have no money, so I can buy, presents.

It is christmas. A Santa can buy, presents. I, have no money, so I can buy a doll.

We are, not, poor. I just have no money, so I can buy a doll.

Rich or poor, you should be able to buy a doll.

It is christmas. Santas, all, in the street. I, still, ponder to buy my daughter presents.

(A woman's voice.:)

Christmas, so it is. Rich or poor, it is christmas still. Buy her a fairy.

It is christmas. Santas in the streets. I wonder, if I could find, a fairy to my daughter.

(The girl's voice.:)

The man over there is buying a fairy. So he says. I don't want a fairy, so is christmas.

I wish I was Santa. With all the money of a Santa, I could make the poor man rich.

I don't believe in Santa Claus. Do you believe in fairies? No? Neither, do I.

(The woman's voice.:)

Christmas it is. Little girl of mine, it's late. Time to go home.

(The girl's voice.:)

It is christmas. Over there are Santas. I don't believe in fairies. The man bought his fairy. I'm tired. Didn't have the time, nor money to find gifts.

The girl went home, the man said it the night. And, now, it's time for christmas.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Innholdet er, skulle jeg til å si, fra min frie fantasi.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The golden queen.:

We are in Egypt now. Waiting beside the pyramid, for, the golden queen of light.

The queen of sun, moon, and the acres, will soon arrive.

Queen of Egypt, is the goddess of sun and the moon. She will arrive, under the sun.

The Queen Golddabey, will arrive, as soon as the pyramid and the sun aligns.

Queen of Egypt, you are the goddess of my acres. I'm glad you have arrived.

The Queen of Egypt, are you. You are the goddess of sun and moon.

You have arrived, in time for the waters to rise. I thank you, for my acres.

I am Goddess Golddabey, I am here for the waters to rise.

As soon, as, the pyramid and the sun again aligns, I will leave, under the sun.

Goddess Golddabey, of the sun, went back to the mountains of the morning light, leaving, under the sun, in her flying wagon of golden.

Egypt, not a land, without, it's own miracles.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I wanna be a saint.:

So, I'm nineteen, and, I wanna be a saint. Priests and monks for me.

I'm nineteen and I wanna be a saint. The cruisifix for me.

Saw the film Stigmata, the other day. I want to be a saint.

I happen to be a virgin still. I can be a saint. The priests, the monks, and the cruisifix for me.

I can be a saint, I believe. I'm nineteen, and I want to be a saint.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.11.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I don't want to be a saint.:

I'm ill, I'm not diseased, and I cannot go to job. Living with grandpa.

I'm ill, I'm not diseased, but I can't go to job. Asking grandpa.

My granddaughter, you are not a child anymore. Would you like to learn the Kabbalah?

Grandpa, are you talking about Taro'?

My granddaughter, Kabbalah is Kabbalah. Do you want to be a saint?

I'm ill, I'm not, so, diseased, and I can't go to job. Are you sure I can be a saint?

Granddaughter my, everyone can be a saint. Do you still want to?

No, grandpa, I don't want to be a saint. No Kabbalah, neither no Taro' for me.

(Other voice, or voices.:)

Grandpas of these don't grow on trees.

Ijaho Jaweh.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø. 01.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The inner event.:

They are following me, with their eyes, I see. Will they take me with them. I'm still free.

They are following me, with their eyes. They didn't hurt me, as yet.

I am, still, free. Can I do what I want to? They didn't hurt me, as yet.

They didn't hurt me as yet. I see no reason to flee, they didn't do anything to me.

As you see, I'm still free. They didn't do anything yet, and I'm still free to flee. I see no reason.

Can you too see my sit. I am free, they didn't do anything, still I can't flee.

This is maybe, or obviously, an inner event. I know, still, life is for real.

Could this be, a concentration camp? Don't give up the fight.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg vet ikke om vårt gamle par fortsatt huskes, men her er de to, han og hun, ihvertfall.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.12.2015.

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Is it still the two of us.:

It's sunny today, only a few clouds. Waiting for rain.

My man, let me ask you, are we together, be still.

The two of us, it is. Are we, still, together, tell me, please.

The sun is up, high it is on the velding. I can, still, see some clouds. Waiting for the rain.

(The man's voice.:)

Dear my, we are together, still be you, I'm on my way out. Will it be raining, you?

The sun was up, high on it's velding, there was only one cloud on the velding of the sky. The rain is over.

The two of us, it still is.

As always.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den eventuelt formodentlige helgenen i sangteksten, er diktet opp av meg.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 02.12.2015.

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The saint Helena.:

The saints of christianity, still flowers till this day. In his name.

I am Helena, a saint. Among the believers in christianity, I live.

Christianity have saints, still flowering till this day. In his name.

My name is Helena, a name of saints. The morning rush, in the midst of people. Among the believers in christianity, I am.

The saints of christianity, till this day, flowered, in his name.

My name is Helena, I say, to the people among the christians.

I flower, in His name, among the people who are not of Christ.

I am, still, till this day, a saint.

The Saint Helena.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet, sammen med opphavsdiktet på norsk.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 04.12.2015.

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Over engene.

Jeg flyver som en fugl,

jeg kan fly.

Over engene, de grønne,

over havet, opp over fjellene,

og inn i solen, på himmelen blå.

Markus Gyltnes, 2015.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

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The vision.:

I'm dreaming tonight, having a vision, the vision of flight.

I am flying, like the birds. I can fly.

Hovering, above the fields of greens.

I'm setting off for the mountains,

see the ocean, passing by.

I, will, attempt the sun on my way

along the blue heaven.

Watch out for the clouds.

Having a vision, a vision of flight.

In my dreams, I can fly.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 07.12.2015.

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Wake up to the morning breeze. The sun, the moon, and the clouds of heaven.

Breathe on me. Breathe in me, the breath of life.

Wake up to the breeze of morning. The sun will shine, moon may be up, and the clouds of heaven.

Breathe me. Breathe into me, my life.

My breath is broken, from the life of you. Breathe me. Breathe into me, my life.

Wake up to the wind. The sun will shine, moon may be up, under the clouds of heavens.

Breathe on me. Breathe into me, your breath of life.

In search of heaven. My life is yours.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The winter rose.:

It's the fair. The market. And, I have to choose a flower, among the many.

The flowers. Not the rose. Pick a different flowers. Can you feel the winter rose?

It's the fair, you know. It's a market. And, I must pick a flower. Not the rose, so red.

I can feel it. It's a winter rose, so silent. Should I pick the winter rose, fair and white, so silent, at the market.

It's a winter rose. I can feel it, without it's thorns. The rose of winter, fair and white, at the market.

Choose not a rose of the winter, grandma' says. Like the snowflakes in the morning frost, give her back, before the sun's rays have picked the frozen leaves. Choose not the winter rose of frost.

So, a winter rose not. I wanted the winter rose, fair and white, so silent, at the market.

A winter rose not. Pick a different flower, grandma' says. There will be, other fairs, next summer.

A winter rose, not for he. Can you make a better pick, among the flowers, before they leave, for summer.

The winter rose, fair and white, so silent. It's without thorns. It's a pick among the flowers.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I'm a superstar.:

I'm a superstar. I am not among public people. Still, I am a star.

Girls like me, I'm a star. I don't sweat, my breath isn't that bad.

Even if it is so, I can't have a girlfriend. Let's see the oracle.

Oracle, I am a star. Even if it is so, I can't have girlfriends.

(The oracle's voice.:) You, are trying wrong kind of girls. If I were you, I'd try, the supermarket.

Oracle, I'm not that bad. Even my exgirlfriend, wasn't like that. Please, try again, oracle.

(The oracle's voice.:) So, you are not that bad. If I were you, I'd try the supermarket.

You are, an oracle of the past. You, are among bastards. I'm a superstar.

(Other voice, or voices.:) If I were you. Boys of the past, might have been rough. This is not bad, for a psychic oracle. Seeing forward to the future.

Don't be tough on him. So, are people. And lastly, remember, don't be the bad ones.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg har gjort et nytt forsøk på sangen jeg har kalt "Friends".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 11.12.2015.

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Friends are like a guitar.:

Sitting here, with my guitar. Take a look out the window. The ocean, the vast sea, is passing by, slowly, as my life.

This couple I know. We played games, we played the cards. We played, also, the guitar.

I still, know this couple, of mine. In the end, time ran out. So are my knowledgeships.

As life is passing by, with the time of mine, the vast sea passes by, my window. Vast is the ocean.

Life is, not a deck of cards. Life can be as vast as the sea. If we only could find the time for friendships. Friends, are not these, friends are like how. Like the guitar, are friends, a fine instrument, remember to learn how. Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. Friends are like how.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet, om en formodentlig eksisterende eller ikke eksisterende "dark queen".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 12.12.2015.

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The dark queen.:

Hear me. I am the queen of night. Queen Golddabey, of day, hear not.

Hear me. My rusten voice. I am a queen of night, the darkness.

Listen to my, rusten, voice. Queen Golddabey, of the day so bright, not.

I am the dark queen, the queen of night, once there was light, Queen Golddabey.

Hear my voice. I am the queen of night. Queen Golddabey, once, upon a time, day was the same as night.

Night, upon a day, once, upon a time, daytime was night.

Queen of Golddabey, hear my voice, let's celebrate the night, again.

I am the queen of night, my voice is rusten. The night, of the darkness.

It's the morning, a day will rise in the east, for the mother of day, and the other, more nightly mater. The mother, of day, and night.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Ordet "slut" i sangteksten, har jeg lånt fra det norske ordet "slutt" og, for tilfellets skyld omgjort til "slut".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The end.:

So finally, you have made the misspell of yours. It is not mine. The light at the end of the world.

The end.

The end, chapter two.

It's cold. Do you? I can't, remember the last moments before the end.

It's cold. I freeze, do you? Remembering the moment of slut.

It's drying up. My clothes. I remeber the moments before slut.

My clothes are dry now. It's still dark. Before the end, the sky was blue.

I feel better now. It's still dark. Are you hoping too?

I see a light, in the dark. It must be the beginning, after slut.

It was cold. It was dark. It was after slut. And, the two children's voices we heard, are borrowed from general media.

Remember it's never over, it's never slut.

The end.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er to sangtekster jeg har diktet og skrevet. Begge sangtekstene er viderediktning på det som dukket opp mens jeg diktet sangteksten "The dark queen.", at "Queen Golddabey er fra et sted kalt Golddabey". "Queen Golddabey" i i sangteksten "The dark queen", og i de to følgende sangtekstene, er ikke den samme "Queen Golddabey" som, ikke til å forveksle med "Queen Golddabey", i sangteksten min "The golden queen".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The docks of Golddabey.:

In the ancient times, the city of Golddabey. Queen of Golddabey, she was.

Down at the docks, of Golddabey, the ships was.

On the other side of the city Golddabey, up the hills, Queen of Golddabey's castle was.

Queen Golddabey, was young for a queen, a city of docks. Queen of Golddabey she was.

Every morning, The Queen of Golddabey, walked down to the docks, of Golddabey.

When the sun rose, The Queen of Golddabey, went, back uphills, to her castle of Golddabey.

The sun had soon risen, above the ships of Golddabey, down at the docks. The city of Golddabey, woke up to the morning sunlight, of God.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

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Queen Golddabey, herself.:

The queen of Golddabey, was young for a queen.

People said, her life was at the docks.

Her true life, as The Queen of Golddabey, is still not known.

Queen Golddabey, often wore different clothes.

Queen of Golddabey, hid among the people of Golddabey.

Once, when Golddabey bathed in the river, someone stole her clothes.

So, Queen Golddabey herself, ran home, without clothes.

The sun rose, over the city of Golddabey, just as we know, and so forth thereafter.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg har diktet videre på temaet "The dark queen" og "Golddabey", ikke til å forveksle med den "egyptiske Golddabey".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 16.12.2015.

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The land of Golddabey.:

Queen Golddabey, of city Golddabey, was getting old.

She saw her land, of hers, the land of Golddabey she though.

A land so perfect, as, the land of Golddabey, in other hands, she though.

I am old now. My land, the land of Golddabey, so perfect made, in my hands.

May, the Lord of lore, forever, have hand of the land Golddabey, so perfect made, in the hands of the queen.

The Lord, the ruler of lore, may he, take in his hands, the land of Golddabey.

The Lord, can you, in the books of lore, write down the name of Golddabey, before, Queen Golddabey gets too old.

Queen Golddabey, of city Golddabey, had gotten old.

She saw her land, of Golddabey, a land so perfect, she though.

A land perfect so, and Golddabey, let, in the hands of Lord of lore, the land of Golddabey.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 17.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The India Bombarai.:

In India, things happens, The India Bombarai. Please, remember me.

Let's go to India, by plane. The India Bombarai.

Remember me, please.

Now, the airport of Calcutta. The India Bombarai.

Sneaking out, the glass door of golden. Oh, no, The India Bombarai.

Oh, oh, no. Please, remember me, for the India bombarais.

My suitcase. All my clothes flying, out back the India bombarais' car.

It's a cabriolet.

Swiftly, don't answer him.

Driving out of capital town. Not too far.

Give him a cola. Dump him here. We are off.

The India Bombarai.

Over again.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet, nå før jul.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 21.12.2015.

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Christmas. It's time for christmas. The christmas masses of the streets. Tonight it will happen.

It is christmas. Jingle bell. Ring the bell, of christmas.

A saviour was born. Santa Claus is coming. Will you come too?

It's christmas, and I have money, for christmas tree, something to eat, at christmas, and the presents too.

Can someone wield a car, for me, too. When christmas eve is over, I must home. It is true, I have a family, and we are divorced.

Christmas is amongst, other things, a time to see the family.

I wish, there was a christmas miracle too.

Sorry, for now, but I must home for christmas.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The dragon's lair.:

Enter the dragon's lair.

Enter the dragon's lair, will you.

Enter the dragon's lair, dare you.

Enter the cavern,

of the resting place of the dragon.

You dare.

Enter the dragon's lair.

Bring a sword,

it matters not,

for, when meeting the dragon,

in it's lair,

you will stop the daring of that.

After entering the dragon's lair.

You will stop the daring of that.

It's not the end,

neither of you, nor the world.

It's the, mere, matter of the fire,

of the dragon.

Learn or die.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Det er også en annen sang ved navn "Gloria." som jeg har skrevet, og den som følger nedenfor blir den andre i rekken av disse to.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 25.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



Domine Jesu, Domine Christi. Waiting for gloria. The highest heavens.

Domine Christi. Forgive me patre. Waiting for gloria. The coming of heaven.

Gloria, gloria, waiting for you, not for Christi. Forgive me for I have sinned.

We are waiting for Jesu Christi, not gloria. The highest heavens.

Prayer to God.

We are waiting for the coming of him.

Wait not for gloria. Gloria is the glory in wich he shines. So, wait not for gloria, wait for him.

Forgive me patre, for I have sinned. Waiting for gloria, and not him.

Pray to God, that you find him, or gloria. It matters not.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The avalanche.:

Hei and hop, I am Monica, an anthropoid. Clear of some hills, walking on the snow.

Setting off for the valley of ice ahead. It must be the right path, through the snow.

See, some skiers, uphills in the valleyside. They, I am afraid so, set off an avalanche.

I won't turn back now, turn my back on the ones I am running the errand for.

Forget the skiers, I am Monica, an anthropoid, I'll probably make it, through the snow.

The avalanche roars. I'm running on the ice, it's the valley of snow.

Keeping the pace of the ice. The avalanche won't take me. Just a moment. I'm clear of the snow.

Words afterwards.

No one can take our Monica, not even the avalanche of snow. She kept the pace of the ice. Just a moment, then shortly afterwards clear of the snow.

This was The avalanche.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er fire diktede, kunstneriske, tekster, som jeg i et forsøk på å skrive en "The avalanche, part two" sangtekst, unnfanget. Jeg tror det går an å se på dem som tilleggsmateriale til sangteksten "The avalanche".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 29.12.2015.

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The avalanche, part two.:

Interview with Monica, the anthropoid.:

It's after the avalanche, and we are in for the interview. Let's ask Monica.

It's after the avalanche, and we are asking you, Monica, how was it?

(Voice of Monica.:) The avalanche was how? An avalanche is of course just an avalanche.

You look fair and bright, like a real woman. You are even beautiful too.

(Voice of Monica.:) What do you mean? Are you talking about the sex issue? I have no knowledge about that.

And lastly, we ask you, Monica, how old are you? Do you even know?

(Voice of Monica.:) Sorry, I can't recall. Ask the team about that.

(Someone else's voice, or voices.:) So, the camera team, went to see the other team. Monica's team.

Hearing with General Ferrard.:

We are here, with General Ferrard, thinking about asking the questions.

General Ferrard, who is Monica, the anthropoid, from the avalanche incident.

(Voice of Ferrard.:) Monica is an anthropoid. We found her unconscious near a forest, this summer. We speculate that she's from outer space. She herself can't recall anything about that.

General Ferrard, how long have this been a secret?

(Voice of Ferrard.:) It has been a secret, until the avalanche episode this morning.

General Ferrard, have you found the skiiers lost in the avalanche?

(Voice of Ferrard.:) The skiiers have not been found. They are probably, and thoroughly, dead.

Ok, General Ferrard, we won't ask anymore questions.

(Someone else's voice, or voices.:) Afterwards, the camera team left the top secret area, leaving in their blue wagon.

Two TV seers.:

(First voice.:) Did you hear about Monica?

(Second voice.:) Do you mean Monica, the anthropoid?

(First voice.:) Yes, she from the news. What's with the anthropoid stuff?

(Second voice.:) She is fair and bright, even though she's an anthropoid.

(First voice.:) I noticed that, yes, Monica was fair and bright. I still don't understand the anthropoid stuff.

(Second voice.:) She's from outer space.

(First voice.:) You mean that? Oh.

(Someone else's voice, or voices.:) And so, it's time to say it the evening, or night.

A drunken dialogue.:

Hi Jane, you know, Monica, the anthropoid. She's quite a piece, of artwork.

Monica, the anthropoid, not only does she look real, she is quite a piece of female.

She doesn't smell, she has, actually, a quite fresh breath, she is beautiful, and you can fuck her too. I tell you, you don't mind?

(Voice of Jane.:) Be careful you. You're talking about Monica. So, ok, you like the anthropoid, but that is you.

Didn't mean to be rude. It's Monica, the anthropoid, ok. I'm just eager after the avalanche incident. And by the way, all I said is true.

(Voice of Jane.:) I think it must be the avalanche episode, you. I still think it's Monica. Many things in this world are true.

(Voice of Jane.:) Let's change subject.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Det blir nok den siste før det nye året. På forhånd, godt nytt år.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 31.12.2015.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



India, India. The land of obscurities and mystic.

Let's go to India, you and I, and become yogis.

India, the ancient mystic land of the holy men and women.

We must go to India, in search of the obscure roots of mystic.

India, India. A land of obscurity and mystic, we must to India

when searching for the root of kundalini.

India, the land of The Kundalini.

--- Tekst slutt. ---


Samlingen av sangtekster fortsetter inn i det nye året, på websiden "Lyrics, page 4".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.01.2016.


Dette er slutten på denne websiden, sangtekst siden fortsetter på websiden "Lyrics, page 3".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.11.2015.

Markus Gyltnes, 2020.