Sympathy from girls

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             Dette er en sang jeg har skrevet..

                            SYMPATHY FROM GIRLS

                            Girl, you are so nice,cause you care about me,
                            And girl i think you can set me free.
                            You really understand, and i will take your hand,
                            So you can lead me to the promissed land.

                            Ref: Sympathy from girls, many girls have hearts of gold,
                                 So they can make boys feels young instead of old.
                                 And let them in when its cold.

                            I open myself for you, so you can make the sky blue,
                            Its so cold and dark here in this night, but i think
                            You can bring back the daylight. I have so strong an
                            Emotinal pain, but i think you can stop the rain.

av Tagemannen (ris og ros)

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