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Samlingen av sangtekster fortsetter her på "Lyrics, page 4", som er en webside ny av året, år 2016.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.01.2016.

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet, ny av året.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.01.2016.

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The violin and the viola.:

I play the violin and the viola. Symphony is my life.

Play the strokes of a sorry tune. The violin and the viola.

Strings of silver, and grey. Play a song of sorrow, it's sadness.

I play the violin and viola, in the symphony.

Music is my life. Playing strokes on the viola, aswell as the violin.

I play in the symphony, viola aswell as the violin, it's an orchestra.

Playing the tunes. The tunes of old times, and current day.

Play me. Play me a song, of sorrow, and I will, with tears in my eye,

on strings of silver and grey, make strokes of sadness. Songs of sorrow.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.01.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Brushing my teeth.:

I have a toothbrush. I actually use it. I brush my teeth regularly.

I have my toothbrush. I brush my teeth. When the dentist say I should.

I trust my dentist. So, I brush my teeth regularly, every day. So I should.

Never had any holes in your teeth? So do I. I have holes in my teeth.

My dentist had to fix them.

I have a toothbrush. I brush my teeth. I brush my teeth regularly. So I should.

Do you dear see the dentist?

See the dentist when there are holes in your teeth.

Use a good toothbrush and paste, and watch out for the tooth fairy.

I have a toothbrush, too. I brush my teeth. I brush my teeth as the doctor says. Never mind my teeth. Mind yours however. It's time for me to eat, thanks for the chat, and see you later.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.01.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The caretaker of earth.:

There is a great guardian angel called The caretaker of earth.

He is a she. She is the great guardian angel of earth.

The caretaker of earth, she is. The earth is a biosphere.

Wind, water, the earth, and the oceans, she rule.

Even the planetarian heavenly objects, are falling under the guidance of hers.

She is of great size as a being. I don't mean physical size.

As we are on earth, we in heaven are physical figures on the horizon.

She is the great guardian angel of earth.

No matter how great, don't forget we are all equal, no matter the size.

In the name of Martinus, and Christ.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Det blir den andre av sangtekstene mine med tittelen "The caretaker of earth.".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.01.2016.

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The caretaker of earth.:

Hi fella', have you heard of The caretaker of earth? It's about the planet.

(Second voice.:) Didn't hear about this caretaker. Is he male or female?

(First voice.:) The caretaker of earth is, as I heard, supposed to be an angel. The caretaker of earth is a heartwarm and loving person. He is a caretaker.

(Second voice.:) Tell me further, what's with the planet stuff?

(First voice.:) The caretaker of earth is stronger than the other angels. He can move objects on the nightly sky.

(Second voice.:) Let me think this over a bit. I thought, all, of the angels could move the objects on the sky.

(First voice.:) The caretaker of earth, is the only of the angels who move around planets anyway. The caretaker of earth moves about the earth, keeping weather, wind, the rain, the storms, and thereby the crops ok.

(Second voice.:) Is this a legend, a fairytale, or just wandering around.

(First voice.:) It's of course a legend. Legends are true, you know. Considering this legend, believe it or not, will you.

(Third voice, or voices.:) And now it's time to pack down the tents. This happened on a camping palace. Stories of legends and tales, make their walkabouts.

The end.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. For den som ikke kan se det, nevner jeg at denne sangteksten går i samme gate som de to sangtekstene mine, begge med samme tittel, "The caretaker of earth".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.01.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The archangel.:

I will tell you about The archangel of life. An angel of life on earth.

Life on earth was a biosphere. The biosphere of The archangel of life.

The angel of life on earth, a biosphere of life.

Let me tell you of The archangel of life. First there was light.

The sun, the moon, the stars, and all of the planets of the system,

belongs to the biosphere. An archangel of might.

Wind, the rain, the storms, ..., the earth and oceans, was under the guidance,

of might, of The archangel. God rules Earth.

Can I tell you the story, again, using words of life? Remember, God rules the biosphere.

In the deeper sense, the meaning of life, ..., the biosphere is a belonging of The archangel I am telling you about.

The biosphere, wich came from the light of the universe, though belonging to the mighty angel, was meant for life.

Life flows through the universe.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er et resultat av sjonglering med metaforer og symboler. Jeg har ikke ment å støte noen med denne sangteksten.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.01.2016.

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The golden tune.:

Here I go again. Round and round we go. The records of golden tunes.

Each day I wake, and get up. Round and round we go.

Every day is a fruit, to be picked from the tree of knowledge.

Round and round we go.

This is the golden record of mine. I have no records in silver.

Play the record of fruits, it's an apple.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.01.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



Let me fly on the wings of freedom.

Can you forgive me?

Forgiveness is understanding.

Let the bird fly.

Forgiveness is understanding.

Forgive me, what I have done.

Will I again, fly on the wings of freedom?

Forgiveness is understanding.

You will see.

When birds are left.

Life is the essence of past deeds.

However forgotten the deeds.

The bird must still fly.

Understanding is forgiveness.

You will see.

When birds are left.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er humoristisk ment.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 17.01.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Rodrigo's pizzeria.:

Here we are at, ..., Rodrigo's pizzeria. I love pizza.

Rodrigo's pizza, is not vegetarian. It's steakheaven.

It's time to order, ..., Rodrigo's pizza.

I'm not vegetarian, I love steakheaven.

Rodrigo's pizzeria, happens to be rodeo.

It's time to order, Rodrigo's pizza.

I still love his pizza, and, 'till this day,

I happen to be Rodrigo's regular customer.

Rodrigo's pizza.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den bygger på blant annet overleveringer fra det åndelige alternative miljø.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.01.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The sorceress of the past.:

In the latest times, the sorceress, from the past, went grey.

The sorceress of the past, was a cunning woman, of matters of physicality aswell as the spirit arts.

In the times of latest, the sorceress, of past times, went grey.

The sorceresses, through time. They were up in the ages. Went grey.

The sorceress so white.

The sorceresses of present day, cunning in the arts of spirit. Magic is white, and shades of grey.

The sorceress so white.

So, aswell, it is with the other crafters of white magic. In the past, cunning of physicality and the spirit arts. They all, today, live in shades of grey.

The sorceress so white.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.01.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The High Priestess.:

The High Priestess, and the order of Alchemy. The sisterhood.

The sisters of the order. The priestesses. Once were outside the order of Alchemy.

The High Priestess, at that time were without her order of Alchemy.

The High Priestess wrote down, in books, her teaching of Alchemy.

Gathering the first of the sisters. They were priestesses to be,

in the order of Alchemy.

Today, The High Priestess is retired to the order of Alchemy,

and lives solely, together with the other priestesses.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Med denne sangteksten ser det ut for meg, som jeg har "tatt hodet og halen, og buktet begge endene" på verdenen av kvinnelige og/eller moderlige, åndelige personsbegreper, med mine sangtekster. Jeg opplyser av den grunn, om at alle budskaper jeg har bakt inn, eller forsøkt å bake inn, i sangtekstene, for meg framtrer som Martinus-logiske, og har aldri vært ment å være annet enn Martinus-logiske. Ikke nødvendigvis direkte i overensstemmelse med Martinus kosmologi, men dog etter eget syn Martinus-logiske.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 31.01.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The reverent mother.:

It's holiday. The days of holiness. Our days are holy.

It's holiday, and we are to visit the reverent mother, a woman of reverence.

The days are holy. The reverent mother knows the Egyptian mysteries.

It's holiday, the days of holiness. And the reverent mother, has her place of her own.

Our days are holy. And the mother of reverence, we seek. She is psychic.

Be careful, with the eyes of the reverent mother. She can see.

The mother, knows the mysteries of Egypt, and through the mysteries, she sees you.

It's holiday. The days of holiness, and every day is holy.

It's holiday, and we want to visit the reverent mother, the mother of reverence.

The Reverent Mother.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er to "Silver Queen" sangtekster, som jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.02.2016.

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Silver Queen.:

I want to make the silver queen,

in the kitchen.

I need four small spoons,

and a knife.

I want to make the silver queen,

it's in the kitchen.

The spoons, a knife,

and a piece of aluminium foile.

The silver queen so fine.

In the kitchen.

Made of a knife, four spoons,

and a piece of aluminium foile.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

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The silver queen.:

I want to listen to The silver queen.

I just need,

a CD player, and a disc of tunes.

I want to listen to The silver queen.

I just need,

my CD player, and the aluminium disc.

I need to listen to The silver queen.

I need, just only,

the CD player and an aluminium disc, of tunes.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en til "Silver Queen" sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 06.02.2016.

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Silver woman.:

The woman in silver, the silver woman, my queen in silver, for me.

The silver woman, for me. The woman in gold, for the riches, and the poor man. The woman in silver, for a mediochre man like me.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking, about, blondie or golden hair, not dark hair neither. I'm not saying that blondie or dark hair, is for the riches and the poor man. Please don't get me wrong. I don't mean a dark haired beauty. I mean my queen in silver, for a mediochre man like me.

A woman in silver, for me. A woman in gold, for the riches, and the poor man. A woman in silver, for the mediochre man, me.

It's time stop talking. The silver woman is a lady. She is neither you nor me. I'm just a mediochre man, talking of my woman. I was talking about her, you know. It's time, for me to leave. See ya later chap.

A silver woman, for a mediochre man like me.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er to "Silver Queen" sangtekster til, som jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.02.2016.

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Silver lady.:

I am a woman. I am a lady of silver. I'm not looking for silver man.

When I say silver man, I mean the man of iron, an iron man.

Get me right, I don't mean to say irony man. It's my personal belief that no irony man exists.

I am a lady. A lady in silver. I'm looking for a man,

of depth of emotions, a kind man. Forget silver man.

I'm the lady of silver.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

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Silver girl.:

I'm psychic. I am in classroom. A girl I am. Nobody's looking.

I'm psychic girl. Psychich girl in classroom. Nobody's looking.

I see their thoughts, their acts. I'm psychic girl. Nobody's looking.

I'm psychic. A girl I am. I'm alone. Nobody's looking, and in secret I am a silver lady.

In secret I see their thoughts, their acts. I'm the psychic girl of the class, but, nobody knows it.

Considering telling my parents about it.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.02.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The lady in white.:

We are visiting an island, the two of us. In front of us now, a lady in white.

Her blonde hair, reaching barely her shoulders. Forth us, the lady in white.

Hi, fellows, ..., fellows of mine.

The two of you, are seeking the knowledge of gold.

You are blank as sheets from a river wild.

Leave now, for you will find the wisdom, in time for the crossing of the ocean.

I will see you, certainly, in time.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 19.02.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


We had sex.:

I was at a bar, the restaurant, looking for a one night stand.

You are the woman of mine, in my thoughts. We had sex together at nighttime.

I'm in a bar, not my restaurant, looking for my woman.

You are the woman of mine, in my thoughts. Looking around at nighttime.

I'm in my restaurant, the bar was empty, looking for a possible woman of my.

Empty is not life, looking for a possible woman of mine.

I see you now. I think you are my woman. Let's see our kind.

You are the woman of mine, at nighttime.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.02.2016.

Jeg tenkte det var på sin plass med å si noe om hva jeg har tenkt her. Jeg satt og skrev en sangtekst, denne sangteksten. Jeg så den ble litt grov i målet, så jeg har ikke tenkt å, eller jeg skal ihvertfall forsøke å unngå å lage denne typen sangtekster, fremover. Jeg syntes likevel den ble så bra at jeg la den her, som den ene i sitt unike stykke som jeg synes den er.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.02.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I pay my bills.:

I have this story for you, my friend. Live happily ever after.

I'm the man in the street.

Living happily ever after.

I pay my bills, I pay the taxes.

My car runs both forwards and backwards,

still, my life is freakin' disordered.

Pay your taxes.

This is my story friend. I, though, live happily ever after.

Be the man in the street.


I pay the bills, I pay my tax.

Got my car to a gas station. It runs both forwards and backwards,

still, my life was freakin' in disorder.

Being the man in the street,

sounds easy,

pay your bills and the taxes, my friend,

life will be in order in no time.

Remember this, and live happily ever after.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den ser ikke egnet ut til å synge, men kan forhåpentligvis presenteres som tale i en sang.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.02.2016.

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A talk at a café.:

Hei Linda, your hair look beautiful today. Just took a shower?

(The voice of Linda.:)

Yes, I took a shower an hour ago. Arrived with the underground just a minute ago.

(The other voice.:)

Did you look at the newspaper yet? Nothing of interest, really.

(The voice of Linda.:)

How goes it with the writing project? Heard you recently finished an article.

(The other voice.:)

I finished many articles, actually. How come you're asking?

(The voice of Linda.:)

I was actually thinking of my project of tomorrow. It's not done yet.

(The other voice.:)

Nothing I can help you with? You look so sorry sitting there with your clean and fresh hair.

(The voice of Linda.:)

I'll deliver the project tomorrow, I'm sure of it. Just haven't had the time. I'll be clever enough.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 28.02.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The goddess.:

We are in the Egyptian temple of Aoth.

Stillness, the silence, of trampeled sand. The stony floor.

The goddess, on her chair, in Aoth's temple,

the stillness, the wind through her hair.

Goddess of ancient wisdom,

please, share with us your sanctityhood.

The goddess, on her chair. It's Egypt,

the stillness, the silence, the windy lair.

(The voice of the goddess.:)

It's far from silence.

This is Egypt, and, you are far from here.

You listen to silence, but, still are, far, away from here.

Silence is for the dead.

Egypt and it's mysteries.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 04.03.2016.

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Let's ask Merlin, let's ask Arthur, of the youth fountain.

Rex is the king of Vitos; the chalice of youth.

Rex is a king of the legends.

Let's go find the youth fountain.

An apple, an orange, a citrus, let's ask Merlin,

let's ask Arthur, of the chalice of youth.

They are of legend, Rex, Merlin, and Arthur.

Is it an apple, is it an orange, is it the citrus,

in wich we find the youth fountain.

Can mother nature, nature herself, reveal, relinquish

for us the chalice.

Is it an apple, is it an orange, is it the citrus,

in wich we find the youth fountain.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en, hva jeg skal kalle det, sangtekst, tale i en sang, ikke et dikt, men uansett, et kunstverk er det ihvertfall. Dette kunstverket har jeg diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.03.2016.

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The white room of mirrors.:

I see light. The light is in white and yellow. It's coming from the ceiling.

I am opening my eyes. I find myself lying all naked on a mattress.

The room is white, the air is vibrant. There are a few mirrors on that wall.

I'm getting up. My clothes are here. I'm getting dressed before the doctor's coming.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet, som kanskje passer som tale i en sang, den er ment som musikk. Jeg lar det være opp til enkeltpersonen å være kreativ.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 09.03.2016.

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A good night out.:

Me and my friend, were out. The night still. Not so silent.

Drinking alcoholic merchants. Catching a few smokes.

A friend catching up.

(Voice of me.:)

Are you out here too?

Want to join us? We have lot's of merchants.

(Voice of me.:)

I saw you drinking the other day. Are you dry?

(Voice of the friend catching up.:)


(Voice of me.:)

Then, as you are throughened up, you may drink of our merchants.

Friend, the other friend I mean, can you dig up a pack of cigarettes for our traveler.

(Voice of me.:)

Friend, you may have this pack of cigarettes for yourself. Smoke as many as you like.

The end.

Wolven of the forests we are not.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 11.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Capitol tower.:

At Capitol hill, there was a Capitol tower.

I must tell you, there was no hance, to the Capitol tower.

No, at Capitol hill, there was no tower.

At Capitol hill, there still used to be a tower.

The other tower, of Capitol hill.

So, I tell you, there was hance to the tower of Capitol hill.

The tower of Capitol hill, was happily enough, the Capitol tower.

Today, the towers of Capitol hill are in ruins, are gone.

At Capitol hill, there were two towers.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 11.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Electron medium.:

Mediums, psychics, and superpsychics. I don't mean a superconductor.

Psychics can be mediums, and, psychics can be made high.

I'm not talking of tall walking, but superpsychics.

Mediums, psychics, and superpsychics. Electron medium.

Please, don't mix mediums with psychics, and neither not the psychic with the superpsyche.

Psychics are medium, the superpsychies are high, while the medium is gone, far into the annals of lore.

Today, our songs are about the psychic wich is medium, the superpsychic whom is high, and the rest for angellore.

I'm not a psychic tall, neither am I small, still not a medium.

This is Electron medium, and we are tiny.

Talking of the electron medium not, but the psionic forces of nature.

Can now, please, the medium psychic, contra the superpsychic, be the new psychic medium. So we can say good night.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

For den som ikke fra før vet hva det engelske ordet "superpsychic", brukt i sangteksten over, betyr, har jeg nedenfor på engelsk, rekonstruert en riktig definisjon fra min hukommelse, "etter kunsten for hvordan man sier dette". Jeg har her valgt den beste "kunsten" jeg kjenner til, "for hvordan man sier dette".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 13.03.2016.

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What is a superpsychic?

A superpsychic is one step or level higher than a "normal" psychic, on the scale of psychism. A superpsychic can be said to be far more psychic, than a "normal" psychic medium.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 11.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The man i black coat and hat.:

Once there was a man at our countryside.

He wore a black coat, and a hat.

His horse was wearing his leather pouches.

He wore a black coat, and a hat.

Weather was sunny.

The black man in a hat, made the storming.

The man i black coat and hat, at our countryside.

He made the storm arrive.

There is much too little to say about this man.

He wore a black coat and a hat black.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er den tredje i rekken av sangtekster jeg har diktet, som jeg tenker på som "the white lady" sangtekster. De to andre av disse sangtekstene er sangene "The lady in white" og "The goddess".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 17.03.2016.

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The white carpet.:

She waited for him.

The white spirit.

I wait for you, my shaman master.

She waited for him.

The white spirit will arrive.

I'm waiting for you, my shaman master.

She's waiting.

Will the white spirit come.

I'm waiting for you, my shaman master.

She waited for her shaman.

Who knows the white spirit?

My shaman master will soon arrive.

Do you know the spirit white?

She awaited her shaman master.

The master shaman finally arrived, in the morning sunlight.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


A crystal clear voice.:

Do you know of this box? It is placed in my attic.

In a box, in a little chest. So small a book, or a scroll.

Did you know I have a box? It's in my attic.

In this chest, the box so small. Inside there is a book, a little scroll.

The one who speaks, in this book, or scroll.

Listen carefully.

It has a crystal clear voice.

Sleep well, child. Tomorrow will come. A brand new day will be yours, to see.

Listen well.

In a small chest, in a box, in an attic, a scroll, with a voice so crystal clear.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst, men den hører ikke, i særskilthet, til "the Snowbird Project".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.03.2016.

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Snowbird, my prive.:

My name is Snowbird. A superhero am I. I fly over cities.

Superheros have privat lives. It's who you are in your prive.

Recent problems stalked my life.

I am Snowbird. People stalked me in my private life.

In my private life, my name is Alisa, and I just fixed my prive.

Snowbird and Alisa, ..., together, we have a private life.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg regner med det finnes mange av denne typen sanger.

Jeg skulle bare fortelle en historie her.

Jeg har aldri vært en røyker. I 2001 begynte jeg å poffe sigaretter. Jeg poffet sigaretten, uten å dra røyken ned i lungene for å unngå å få all tjæren, nikotinen osv. ned i lungene. Det begynte med det som gjerne kalles "sosialrøyking". Bortsett fra et opphold på 9 mnd i 2004, har jeg siden da poffet sigaretter. Jeg skal ikke videre gå inn på her hva sigaretten er for meg. Til slutt, det er ikke meningen å oppfordre andre til å begynne, eventuelt fortsette, å røyke, i hvilken som helst form.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Live in peace.:

Peace man. Live in peace man. Do you live, for real at heart.

Jesus Christ lived for humankind. Peace. Live at heart.

Peace man. A life in peace man. Do you live for real.

God. God man. God's a loving person. Peace. Peace man, at heart.

Peace man. Live in peace. Jesus loves you. Peace, just peace in your heart.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg tenker ikke på denne "Snowbird"-sangteksten som direkte tilhørende eller etterfølgende de andre forutgående. Jeg tenker på denne mer som alenestående, men som selvfølgelig ikke kan eksistere utenfor den samlede sammenhengen til de andre.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird, her childhood.:

I remember, back then, when I was a child.

I am Snowbird.

I am what children are. A child.

Still talking of me, Snowbird.

My childry moral, of my life as a child.

Snowbird, I am, like then. My childry innocense, today like back in the old days.

Snowbird am I.

Snowbird, the childhood, second part.:

I remember, back in time. My childhood.

Wonder where my superstrength origined?

I was a child.

I don't wonder the origin of the powers.

I got strong later in life.

Grown ups have no power, of ethics.

Never minded my strength. The real power lies in moral.

I am Snowbird. I am among grown ups.

Strength will forever, with me, be next to the inner power.

I am Snowbird. Moral lives inside, me.

The truth of power.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den begynner med første kapittel som er den samme sangteksten som "The lady in white", og fortsetter med et av formodentlig flere mulige, kapittel to. Sangteksten heter det samme som den forrige "The lady in white", med den forskjell at den har et andre kapittel.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The lady in white.:

We are visiting an island, the two of us. In front of us now, a lady in white.

Her blonde hair, reaching barely her shoulders. Forth us, the lady in white.

Hi, fellows, ..., fellows of mine.

The two of you, are seeking the knowledge of gold.

You are blank as sheets from a river wild.

Leave now, for you will find the wisdom, in time for the crossing of the ocean.

I will see you, certainly, in time.

The lady in white, chapter two.:

We are back at the island, over the ocean. Seeking the lady in white.

I remember her blonde hair, reaching her shoulders barely. Let's look for the lady in white.

Look into the forests, look behind the rocks around.

I can see her, her blonde hair moving with the wind at the river, she's naked.

Hi, fellows, ..., fellows, wait a bit, I'll dress myself in my white robe.

It's the two of you, seeking the knowledge of gold.

I remember you, you were blank as sheets from the river wild.

I see the one of two. You crossed the ocean, certainly in time for you lack the wisdom I sought in you.

I see one of two, the one found fake coins, and for the other nothing.

Leave now, for you will certainly find the wisdom, for the next crossing.

Same as now, I will be here, at certainty, in time.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Like a wind.:

I'm free. I feel wind. The wind rushes through my body.

Can you? Can you feel the wind? The wind is free, a force of nature.

I'm free, I feel the wind. The wind rushes through my body.

Man lived with the wind, ..., air, earth, water, and the mountains.

Free, I run like a wind. The wind of freedom rushes on my inside, while the wind of man blows on me from the outside.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den spiller videre på "As the sky is bright" som er en annen sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Hi, I'm Sil, a hybrid.:

Hi, I'm Sil, a hybrid. As you remember, I don't deal in magics.

I can make a thunderstorm. It's time for the beach.

I wear underwear. Some do not. I need to find my minidisc player. Heading for the sea.

By the way. I don't make thunderstorms at the beach.

Hi, I'm Sil, a hybrid, chapter two.:

Down at the sea, on the beach. I lie in the sunlight naked, listening to my minidisc player. I don't use the headphones near the sea.

No one ever steals my underwear. I'm certain why, you know. It's because I don't deal in magics.

By the way. In case you were in doubt. I like being near the sea, on a beach, listening to my minidisc player.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en "The Sorceress"-sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Sorceress, the closet.:

Hi, I am back. The sorceress from the landscapes deep and wide.

As I said, I am back. Just returned home, and I want to talk about the things in my closet.

It's party time, and I need some clothes. My clothes are in my closet.

I am a sorceress from the landscapes deep and wide.

It's time to change my dress. I will choose the clothing I like.

I must reach the party in time. Quickly undress. I am naked and I see what I like.

I have a body, I see, to my liking. My face is white. I'm a fair lady.

I am a sorceress from the landscapes of green.

I am honest, I do see my body to my liking.

My face is white. I'm a fair lady.

Quickly dress, now. My finest clothes, or clothing if you like, are for parties.

I am honest, the clothes are stored in my closet, just as I like.

I must hurry, please be patient, I'll be back, and goodbye for now.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Nedenfor følger to sangtekster jeg har diktet og skrevet. Over hver av sangtekstene står det norske opphavsdiktet til sangteksten. De to norske opphavsdiktene er det jeg som har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---

Solen skinner - et stilleben i ord.

En stille sydhavsøy. Solen står høyt på himmelen. Det er noen palmer ved stranden. Det går ikke an å se inn til land. Jeg ble stående og titte på noen skyer.

Markus Gyltnes,

Tromsø, 01.03.2012.


The sun shines.:

I am on a lonely iseland.

Sun is high on heaven.

At the beach, some palmtrees.

I can't see far enough for land.

Can't help it for standing, here still, looking at the clouds.

Etter solnedgang - et stilleben i ord.

Det er etter solnedgang. Vi er på en strand. Det går en sti opp fra stranden, mellom trærne. Det er mørkt, havet bruser. På himmelen skinner stjernene. Det sitter noen på stranden, rundt et bål. Det er ingen måne å se. Jeg skal snart gå bort til vennene mine, det er de som sitter rundt bålet.

Markus Gyltnes,

Tromsø, 02.03.2012.


After sundawn.:

It's after sundawn.

I'm on a beach.

There is a track between the trees,

the track leads away from the ocean.

It's dark outside, whisling from the sea.

A starry heaven.

Someone are sitting on the beach,

around the fire.

There is no moon to see.

I will soon join my friends,

they are the ones sitting around the fire.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 31.03.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The acid speech.:

I'm into acid. I'm into neon.

This is the acid speech, and I don't know jack.

I'm into the acid, and I am green on it.

Acid is flack-jack, I don't do the acid killer.

Acid is in green flack-jack, fix up the cable.

For me, acid is not crack.

I'll crack this, till tomorrow.

The Techno gurus.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 07.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Goddess.:

Do you know The Goddess? The plains, the forests, the shining night.

It's medieval Earth.

I know the Goddess.

Lay me down on a grassy field.

Can you feel the Goddess seering.

The Goddess, the earth so warm.

I feel the dark soothing feeling of calmness and safety, coming from The Goddess.

The Goddess so dark, kind and warm.

I am with The Goddess, and she with me.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 09.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Goddess, the one.:

I know The Goddess. She is the one, ..., nourturing, calming, the dark goddess.

I know my Goddess. She is one, ..., nourturing, nourishing. The dark goddess.

The Goddess, for one, she is not two. There is only one.

Ask me of The Goddess. She is the one, nourishing, calming. The darkness.

The Goddess and The God,

and lastly God The One.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 09.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Goddess, the end.:

I will tell you about The Goddess. It concerns the end.

I will live through life. The end is coming. It's not close to the end.

I love The Goddess. This letter concerns the end.

I will live through life with The Goddess.

When the end comes, I will die, in the Goddess' hands,

will it be darkness, was my life a lie.

I will die, when the end comes, in the Goddess' hands,

but this does not concern me much, I'm living life.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 09.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Goddess, the story.:

We sing songs. We sing of The Goddess. Ancient songs.

The Goddess is of Maternal times. There was a long period afterwards.

The Goddess is cast out. Now, the father rules.

I'm not talking of goddesses now. The Goddess was for the poor woman.

Loneliness her treat, and witchcraft her treatery.

We sing songs. We sing of The Goddess. Ancient songs.

The Goddess is now gone. Loneliness her treat, and witchcraft her treatery.

Still, we sing her songs. Songs of The Goddess. The power of ancient songs,

songs of new and old. It's not witchcraft, it's called white magic.

So, The Goddess is not dead afterall.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Det er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst, og den står noe lettere i relasjon til de andre "Snowbird"-sangtekstene.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 10.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird, her origin.:

I am Snowbird. I was a child. Later in life, I came to superpowers.

I use to say, Mother nature gave me life.

I don't think I came from a lab, no, not a science facility.

So, Mother nature is the giver of my life.

I am Snowbird, like a goddess I cross the skies, the continents.

I don't believe in the higher nature. This, is my life.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


What life brings.:

Hei, my name is Monica.

I'm at twenty.

I work at the mall.

What will bring me life?

I am young at mind.

I play games.

It keeps you young mentally, you know.

What life brings.

I hear I am cute.

Still, I don't sleep with guys.

I work harder you know.

Good views for the future.

What life can bring me.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 15.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The sacred children.:

From east to west, searching for the holy ones.

Can you look down.

Searching for the holy ones.

Look down, see the sacred children.

Go to the eastern lands,

the lore of the sacred children.

India, Tibet, and the mass of China.

Look down, see the sacred children.

You are seeking the holy ones.

Here are the sacred children of lore.

There is not only one of them.

Look down, see the sacred children.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 19.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The loveletter.:

Dear you, in my letter to my darling.

I love you, in this letter to Natasha, my darling.

See you, in this loveletter, to Natasha.

I will send you these letters.

They are loveletters, from me to you.

In order, for me, to see you again,

we must send each others letters.

I love you in this letter, from me to you.

I love you Natasha.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 19.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


My loveletter.:

I see you, in my mind. You are perfect thru.

Saw you this morning, saw you tonight.

Perfectly, moving your hips, tighs and sneakers.

I want to write, to you, this loveletter.

As far as I know, we are not through.

Pen and paper, on my table. I want to write this loveletter.

You are perfect thru.

As far as I know, I love you.

Can we see us tomorrow, saying one another, I love you.

You are perfect thru. Perfectly, moving your hips, tighs and sneakers.

You are, for me, perfectly true.

This was my loveletter.

In my books on my shelter, I will keep this letter. Even though the letter is for you.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The old master.:

We are visiting The Master Awareness. He is wearing a white robe. He is Jesus Christ.

(The master's voice.:)

You there to the left, not to the right.

I feel like you need an emotional lesson.

(Student's voice.:)

What are you saying, what do you mean?

(The master's voice.:)

Yes. You there to the left, not to the right.

It feels like you need a lesson in emotions.

(Student's voice.:)

Yes, I am sitting here, to the left, as you say not the right.

Do I need a lesson?

(The master's voice.:)

Yes. You to the left, not the right.

I can feel you got it right. Emotions have left. You are right, so right now.

Lesson is now over.

The Master Awareness, so bright.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 21.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Afrodite touring the world.:

Knossos is the hammer. Knossos means broken glass.

I am Afrodite. I am naked. The pearl is hidden between the shells.

The shells open, the pearl is revealed, and I step into the seashell.

I am Afrodite, and I am touring the world's atlas. Afrodite rules the world.

Knossos means broken glass.

Use the hammer. Knossos. And the oxen is dead.

I am Afrodite. I am naked. I step in and out of the seashell,

the pearl is hidden, and I rule the world.

Ever been to Knossos. Knossos is a hammer. Oxen are dead.

I am Afrodite, remember. I am naked. Walking in and out of the seashell.

I hide my pearl between the shells. The pearl is hidden.

I am touring the world's atlas, and, Afrodite rules the world.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The white ear rings.:

Wake up, it's morning.

My cellphone rang.

It's time for shower.

Where are my white ear rings?

Waking up, it's morning hour.

It's time for shower.

I wash my anckles,

white are my anckles.

Just woke up, it's still morning.

I was in the shower,

and now I put on my white ear rings.

I use white garment on my body.

It's time for model job.

Cellphone was set.

It was morning.

Waiting for me at the catwalk,

I'm coming.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


John my husband.:

John is my man. John is my husband.

Me and John, go on vacations.

We have a car.

I don't like it when John drives fast.

John is my man. We are married.

We go on vacations.

Dear John, let's pack up some bags,

and go on holiday.

Remember, dear John, don't drive too fast.

Let's go on holiday.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den står, fra min side, i forhold til alle de øvrige "Snowbird"-sangtekstene.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird's apartment.:

I am Snowbird. I can fly. I fly around at the dark hours.

I have an apartment. It's my inn.

I have a bed. I don't use my sleepingbag.

I come home from work.

It's my apartment, not my inn.

Bed is for the morning hours.

I am Snowbird. I can fly. I fly around at the dark hours.

I come home at night.

Again my apartment is just an inn.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The psychic song.:

I am psychic. Psychic yes, for real. Psychic, all day long.

Having good days, at the time.

Woke up this morning with flat tyres. Don't look me in the mirror.

Flat tyres are blue eyes, pale cheeks, and nose all running.

I am a psychic, and this day is nice.

Woke up this morning with flat tyres. The day is long.

People asking psychics. The answers you don't, I know.

Do not expect a high sun and the blue sky, today. I had flat tyres.

I am psychic, this day is nice, and I wave flat tyres so long.

Psychics, you know.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er et liten kunstferdig tekst jeg skrev for meg selv, og til meg selv; "The hightech apartment".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---

A hightech apartment.

We will start with a normal apartment in concrete. The next thing we will do, is equip the apartment to hightech standard. The apartment's electricity system is upgraded to having many power outlets, most of them earthed, and having failsafe fuses in the power locker. The apartment has new water pipes, and will have an overrizzling, anti-fire, system in the roof, as well as a fire distinguisher not too old stored somewhere. There will be a silent alarm covering every room in the apartment. There will be no indoor TV or radio antennas, the TV and radio signals will be cabled in.

That's all there is to a hightech apartment.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Notis på norsk:

Angående "The hightech apartment", må jeg nevne at det også er behov for nødutganger. Dette sier jeg i tilfelle noen finner på å skulle realisere en sånn leilighet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.04.2016.

Her er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er skrevet mer for å utforske tanken enn å legge til "Snowbird"-materiale, og er ikke direkte i samsvar med min primære forestilling om "Snowbird". Som jeg skulle frem til, "Snowbird" behøver, i min fantasi, ikke å ta "Alisa"'s klær med seg på "sine flyturer".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 27.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird's handbag.:

I am Snowbird. I fly. Let me tell you of my silver lining.

I will start with my handbag.

My thin silk lining fits exactly in my handbag.

Rise and shine every morning, to my thin silk lining.

It's time to unwear my lining. I am going to fly.

Under my casual clothes, the dark suit, my coat.

The thin lining, the silk clothes, of everyday, ..., fits exactly in my handbag.

Rise and shine every morning, to my flying silk lining.

Zipping the handbag thoroughly.

On the back with the sack,

taking off for the higher grounds.

I of course mean flying.

I am Snowbird. I can fly. Taking off for the higher grounds.

When I am in the air, I fly.

That's all about my handbag.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en kunstferdig utformet, kort åndelig tekst, om "det å gå veien". Jeg har hentet inspirasjon til denne teksten, hovedsakelig fra Internett-siden til den åndelige læreren Almine, som jeg var og leste og hørte på for mange år siden.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 28.04.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---

Walking the path

Are you, dear reader of this letter, walking the path? Let me tell you what walking the path means. Walking the path, is not necessarily shamanism, not the healer's path, neither yoga. Would you walk the path if you heard of a streanious task, that would last the time of your life. Not driven by fear, not by the mere physical wants, but the want for spirit. "I am not afraid of doing real work. I keep my shell of the soul, tempered. Following the inner meaning". Would you do this for yourself, follow the path?

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en kunstferdig utformet, kort åndelig tekst, om "det å gå veien". Jeg har hentet inspirasjonen til denne teksten, hovedsakelig fra bøkene til Carlos Castaneda. Også noen ord fra en av mine lærere i sjamanisme, er tatt med i teksten.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---

The shaman way

Have you heard of the shaman way? It's walking the path, the way shamans do. Are you ready for the streanious task of walking the path. It will take discipline. Be fearless, beware your acts. Remember, the true control lies with The Spirit. The shaman way is not a fruitless way. It's meaning. When I am hungry, I eat. When I am tired I sleep. I also have to enjoy myself, at the times for need. This is an ecstract from Carlos Castaneda's teaching as handed to him from his shaman master.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Notis til de to tekstene over, "Walking the path" og "The shaman way".

Det skulle ikke være vanskelig å se likheten mellom tekstene "Walking the path" og "The shaman way". "Walking the path" ble fra mitt utsiktspunkt en mer informativ tekst enn "The shaman way", hvilket jeg tror kommer av Almines holdning til denne formen for ånd. "The shaman way" bygger på ord og setninger laget med det for øye å skulle innvie en person, eller flere personer muligens, i sjamanisme, og inneholder i og med dette, blant annet ord med mer kraft, enn ordene i teksten "Walking the path".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.05.2016.

Her er et liten kunstferdig tekst jeg skrev for meg selv, og til meg selv; "An emergency shelter".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 03.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---

An emergency shelter.

The emergency shelter, or home, will be, atleast at bus range from the real home. The emergency shelter will be equipped with a bed, some chairs, and a shelf for the documents and/or other objects concerning the reason for the shelter. There will be a bathroom in the shelter, wich not is the same room as the room for sleeping. In the bathroom there will be a watercloset and a shower or bath. There will be an extra toothbrush, some soap for a shower, and there should also be a mirror on the wall in the bathroom. There must be a medicine locker with necessary medicine and bandages, and so forth, somewhere in the emergency shelter. Other things are; a place to eat will be in walking range from the shelter. A non-involved person, like the housemaid of your real home, should have an extra key to the emergency shelter, stored at his or her's own house. Lastly, be careful with revealing, or eventual giving away, the location of the emergency shelter, and keep your own key to the shelter a safe place.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Jeg synes den relaterer seg til alle de øvrige "Snowbird"-sangtekstene.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 04.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


How Snowbird learned to fly.:

Hei and hop. I am Snowbird, and I learned to fly long ago.

When I think fly I am suddenly in the air.

Thinking forward makes me speed through the air.

Thinking leftwards and rightwards will turn the angle around.

I never think down, because it makes me hit the ground.

I like flying high, in the air, under the heavens.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


We can make it.:

We are dancing, together we are.

Saw you the other day.

Let's dance, you and me.

It's today. I saw you on the street.

Baby, don't leave me.

My dear love. No.

You know we can make it.

We are dancing together.

I saw you on the street today.

Let's dance, you and me.

Together we are, baby.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Dette er "Lyrics, page 5", den femte websiden med sangtekster.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.05.2016.

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 20.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The return.:

I am Son of God, Ikaros.

On the heavens, was I.

Back to the heavens.

I was the Son of God.

I am Ikaros.

Back to the heavens,

I must fly.

On the heavens blue,

the wings of Ikaros.

I am not the son of Christ,

but of God, the son Ikaros.

On the heavens,

of blue,

I Ikaros fly.

The wings of Ikaros.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en "Snowbird"-sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird's nights.:

Every morning, my black coat lies ready on my bed. I am Snowbird.

Every night, I am out raiding in flight. I am Snowbird, and it's night now.

Just came back home. The suit goes in the washing machine, and I myself, in the shower.

Snowbird's nights.

High at nighttime.

Her costume in the air, black and white.

Showers at night. The washing machine is running. And I am tired.

Looking forward to see you next morning. The light is still bright, and I have gone to bed.

Snowbird's nights.

Up at nighttime.

Her costume will be ready in the morning.

Showers at night. The washing machine is running. And I am tired.

Looking forward to see you again. The light is almost always bright, and I have to go to bed now.

The nights of Snowbird.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 28.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Meaning of life.:

I was sitting here this morning.

Darkness swirling through my mind.

Only darkness.

A walkabout for me, later this same morning.

Darkness twirling through my mind.

I see the darkness.

In the darkness, you see,

I found my mind.

Life is not a psycho thriller.

In the darkness, there will be light.

Meaning of life is not lost at the bottom of the ocean.

Meaning of life.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 29.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Meaning of life, rejection.:

Rejection of life, my friend.

Don't reject your life.

Life has it's tides.

As certain as the ocean, life will bring you time.

Don't reject life, my friend.

Then, in that case, you will eject.

Take the hoist up to the top,

of a tall building.

The hoist will not stop.

Then you eject.

The sky is vast.

Life has it's tides.

So, don't reject your life, friend.

There will be times, as certain as there is ocean.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet, delvis for å "gi litt omgang i hodet" angående nåtidens forhold mellom det etablerte religiøse, og det frie åndelige. Jeg er blant annet ikke historiker, og har i sangteksten brukt en blanding av lest materiale, egen tenkning over emnet, og til slutt min egen diktekunst. Angående det med å "gi litt omgang i hodet", så er sangteksten som de andre sangtekstene, skrevet av meg for min egen del, men med det i mente at andre, jeg vil ikke kommentere min egen situasjon i dette anliggendet, at sangteksten skulle kunne hjelpe andre enn meg selv å "få litt omgang i hodet" angåendet det ovennevnte anliggendet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 29.05.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The heretic.:

Ohy, the heretic. Off my way, we are passing.

The heretic. Please be silent. We are church people, on our way.

So, heretic, you are silent. We are of church, we read The Bible.

And the heretic went off the chariot's track, and the Padre got away.

The heretics of non-christian belief, were shun.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 03.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Conquestador.:

The old conquestadores of Spain, of the old times.

No bullfights, for the conquestadores.

Where The Bull lies, is the El Conquestador.

No bullfights for the conquestadores.

The conquest was not not.

The el grande for the conquestador.

Watch up for a bull, pick a fight not.

The el grande was vast,

quite a resting place for the conquestador.

I tell you, a conquestador looked exactly like one bullfighter.

And lastly the conquestadores conquested not.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



In the city of ice.

Frost covers the country.

It's the northern parts.

In the city of ice.

I find myself at ease.

Warm 'nough clothing.

In the city of ice,

there are lights,

of christmas time.

It's the city of ice,

and I must run off shopping,

make my dress up and go.

It's wintertime, it's christmas, and I must go trade.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 09.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The elven girl.:

Open your eyes. It's morning.


Can you see her as I do?

Beyond the lake.

She is an elven girl.


Can you see her as I do?

Beside the river.

She is red hair,

or blonde, looking at the lake mirror.


Do you see her, as I do?

The lake river runs into the sea.

She must be an elf, not grey,

she is red hair, or blonde, looking into the mirror of the lake.


Do you see the wisdom in her eyes?

The lake runs into the sea, behind the river. It's the ocean.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 09.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The holiness.:

The holy saint. The deeds of saints, of yore.

Let's ask Helena, a living saint of your.

Living the life of Helena.

For knowing her life we must seek within.


The Christian deed, comes from within.

In the darkness we seek the fire, the glittering sun.

Let's go to the side of the light that burns.

The glittering sun is the suffering Christ.

For Helena's knowing the life of him,

we must seek within.

The christians died on crosses,

not for the Christ, ... , for the heaven within.

Heaven is in your eyes, seek inside for the pains of him. (Note. "him", here in the meaning of Christ.).

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Morning djinn.:

I'm sitting here.

My guitar is not around.

I can see the morning djinn.

It's the cafée.

She is sitting in front of me.

I see her shoulders.

I can see.

It's a djinn for certain.

I see, her naked shoulders.

I'm sitting here.

It's a morning djinn.

She turns her head,

and looks around.

She sees me.

It's morning hour.


my guitar was not around.

I could see the morning djinn.

A morning djinn, first, as the rain, then the thunder.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



Winternight, I see the snow. Full heaven moon.

The night she died. On heaven, the moon.

Night is the sky. Moon on the heavens of light.

It was tonight. She died in my arms. In my own arms.


The winternight, I see. Heavenly snow.

I will wait for you. Through the heavens.

The light I see in you, my loved one.

Let not tears run for the heaven floor.

Had it not been for the winternight, the heaven, the moon.

I sought you.

The light I see on the heaven, each day I see the winternight moon.

I never wanted a life alone, midwinters, while you are in heaven.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 17.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



Meditation for our souls.

I want to be a mental psychic.

Psychic awareness is meditation for our souls.

Psychic awareness is like air, it's meditation.

Give me wind under my wings,

I want to be superpsychic.

Eyes to the left and right,

we have third eyes.

Meditation, may you bring me to the sea,

like the birds, I will fly on the superpsychic wings.

This letter, ... , may the wind bring me back if wings broke on the seas.

I meditate, and I hope the sails will hold on the oceans.

Meditation for our souls.

I want to be psychic.

God, can I be psychic?

Many people wish they were psychic.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 17.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The psychic and the superpsychic.:

The psychic and the superpsychic. The psychic dwelling in her private world. And the superpsychic living the world around.

They are not mediums, they are the psychics of the world, living in private.

Do you know a psychic or a superpsychic?

If you don't, I can tell you, they live next door.

And, if you want to get to know this psychic person,

be careful for she can see your mind.

Then, this is not a knowhow script,

just wanted to tell you of the of the psychic people around.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.06.2016.

Det er noe jeg ikke har, eller glemte, å informere om angående sangteksten nedenfor, "A fallen angel". Alle sangtekstene mine, har fra første start, fra min side vært "i overensstemmelse med Martinus-logikk", men sangteksten nedenfor ringer ikke i mine ører som "ren Martinus-logikk". Derimot ringer sangteksten mer som "vanlige sanger som ikke nødvendigvis er Martinus inspirerte sanger", og som jeg finner Martinus-relatert materiale i.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 03.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


A fallen angel.:

From the heaven of fjords, a fallen angel. Who broke her wings?

Can you see my face, angel? You fell from the sky.

A fallen angel, from the skies.

Do you hear me, angel? Where are your angel wings?

An angel you are, in your heavenly garment.

The Angelas are rare to come upon.

I see your face, angel, as you see mine. Where are your heavenly wings?

You fell from the skies of heaven. Can you be my angel?

The tale of Angela, of hers.

I see your face, please don't cry angel. Can you be my angel?

The Angela of hers, did, return to heaven.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Snowbird, the fallen angel.:

Snowbird she was. Flying the world around, looking for heroic tasks. She is a heroine of today.

Snowbird fell down from the sky. Under the thundering weather.

Is it the fall of an angel? Snowbird stumped into the ground.

Her clothes was torn. It was her nightly dress, it was asunder.

As she, Snowbird, lied there on the ground. It was green grass, under the heavenly sky.

(Musical note.: The thunder is over.)

Snowbird slept.

A pack of wild dogs' barking, woke her up.

(Voice of Snowbird.:) Snowbird, it's time to fly back. I need to go home. My coat is asunder. I remember the thunderstorm, it was last night.

Then Snowbird went home.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The asian lady.:

I saw a woman. The woman on the news. She is from Asia.

The asian woman on the news.

She was on telly. It was Sky news.

The asian woman, she was in the paper too.

I must tell you. I fell for her.

The woman on the news. She was from Asia.

Think about it. An asian woman, on Sky news, and the newspaper.

I think, I wish I was from Asia too.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Angående innholdet i sangteksten, så skulle jeg bare opplyse om at "Markus" i sangteksten ikke er den samme Markus som meg, men en oppdiktet person.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 27.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I am married.:

My name is Markus. I have a home. I have a bed.

My name is Markus. And I am newly wed.

I have a home. I have a bed. There was a wedding, and I am newly married.

My bed is now a wedding bed. There was a wedding, and I am now wed.

My name is Markus. It was midsummer, the evening I got married.

My wife lives at home, my home. And, my bed is a wedding bed.

My name is still Markus, the wedding was at midsummer, and, I am now, happily, wed.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 28.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Superpsychic father.:

Hi, I am a father of three childs.

They, my children are superpsychic,

and they predict me, day in and out.

A father I am, of three superpsychic childs,

and, the mother of my children have superpsychic chill,

day in and out.

We are, however, two happy parents of three childs.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


My event.:

I am a young woman in the best of my age.

I am not always prepared for the gratials of life.

But I always, remember, if not prepared, a box of chocolates and a white tulip.

A box of chocolates and of course a white tulip, and not a rose, for the sting.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er en presentasjon av meg som "techno person" - "the techno people" -, presentert gjennom en damestemme. Sangteksten kan forøvrig, fra min side, sees på som generell for den som ønsker det.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.06.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



I'm a young lady. I'm not a musician, even though. This fact. I write songs.

I love dancing, I dance as I walk.

I do not dance to my own songs. Still, I dance as I walk, it's not the musician part of me.

I love talking. Not so much music, both because, and even if, I write songs.

I also, at the end of this song, like lasting talks of, not of ghosts, but spirituality.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Innholdet i teksten nedenfor er relatert til samlingen sangtekster.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 03.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---

Om min bakgrunn som musiker.

Det har en stund vært på tide, sett i forhold til samlingen sangtekster, å fortelle om den bakgrunnen jeg har som musiker. Jeg spilte fiolin og senere også bratsj (eng. Viola) ved siden av fiolinen, gjennom barne-, ungdom- og videregående skole tiden. Jeg spilte fiolin 6 1/2 år tilsammen og bratsj i mellom 2-3 år på slutten av perioden som varte videregående skolen ut. Etter videregående skole fikk jeg tilbud om å spille bratsj i Tromsø Symfoniorkester. Dette ble det ikke til, og samtidig som jeg takket nei til tilbudet, begynte jeg på Informatikk studiet som jeg hadde fått plass på ved Universitetet i Tromsø.

Markus Gyltnes, 2016.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


For my eyes.:

For my eyes, you.

I think of you only.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

For my eyes, only you.

I think of you.

Look into my eyes,

my inner sight, my inner sense, says only you.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 10.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


A love song.:

How do you want me to be?

We are in love.

We are married.

How do you want me to be?

How do you want us to be?

Dear husband.

How shall we, we already are.

Ask me, how I do want you to be.

Dear husband.

How shall we, we already are.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Excuse me, I'm lesbian.:

I am a man. I drink alcohol. At a café right now, I'm drinking beer.

So, I sit here. With my beer. A girl coming up, now.

I am not seeing queer.

(Man's voice.:)

Let me, please, ask you for a date. Let's go out, you and me.


(Woman's voice.:)

Man, you are drunk. I'm not deer.

By the way. Excuse me, I'm lesbian.

Sometimes misunderstandings occur between men, and women of the opposite sex.

Straight fellows and women of the lesbian sex, I mean.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 15.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


India is home.:

India is home. Though, I am not from India.

I can see omens, devis, and, the djinns.

India is my, if not, true home.

Come and see the djinns' dance around me.

Once, a djinn, took a step forward and came with me.

She. The dark haired, still fair, djinn, came with me,

all the long way to my practical home, westwards and up north.

It's today, and the djinn who came home with me, the fair dark haired

spirit of India, calls my practical house up north, her home.

India is full of spirits. The devis and the djinns.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 16.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


My girlfriend.:

I have a girlfriend.

We are a couple.

We are happy,

it's not the downside of life.

Made my plans long ago.

They were not the downside.

Me now, back then my girlfriend,

laid down plans made not forever.

Forever, are our plans now.

Me and my girlfriend,

we are a couple.

We are happy,

and, it's not the downside of life.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The second priestess.:

We are at the park. Weather is blue, nice, and the sun high on heaven.

I see her. I see her too. It's the second coming. It's the priestess two.

It's the new priestess of the alternate. She has blue eyes and white clothing.

People arrive as they do. We are at the park. Just watching.

People, many people each day, arrive as they do.

She is the priestess, the priestess two.

Many of the people, read their fortunes with the priestess two.

So, read my fortune, I do not.

We were here, just watching.

One last thing, The Priestess Two is a Tarot card.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The new Tarot.:

Hi, I'm a woman. I dig the past.

I love the Tarot cards.

Recently I found, five new cards. The trumphs of origin.

I love the Tarot cards.

The cards are. The old man, the ancient, Prudence and Prudence two,

and there is The water mug, and lastly the kingly Priestess two.

Tarot cards, are not my life, to be true.

So is the Tarot cards, ..., mind you my other busnisses.

Songtext writer's personal note.

The Tarot cards, the five, a new Tarot, came from a study of Carlo Suares wich was assumed to be at

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er "en av de gamle spirituelle sangtekstene" her i samlingen av sangtekster. Den har ikke vært postet før, og er skrevet av meg nå nettopp.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Old grandma.:

My old grandma, not grandpa, loves me so much.

My grandma is old, still, though, of spiritual nature.

Many people have grandpas.

I am a young woman, I have no such grandpa, but a grandmother who is of spiritual nature.

My grandma took care of me, when I wasn't that old.

I am a young woman, and one of those spiritual folks, you know.

A such grandpa, and a such grandma.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet om "den som i gamle dager var "den evig unge personen"".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 26.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


From morning to dawn.:

I will tell you this. It's not a story, ... , of bravery anyway.

The person ever young, wandered into the mountains every morning.

A person ever young, could not be found.

The person who had ever youth, wandered downhills every afternoon,

from the mountainside, back to the plains of the sun.

A person ever young, could not be found. Though.

A person with youth of ever, waited till dawn on the sunny plains,

then went home to the village nearby.

Life was. For the ever young, with ever youth ... at heart, from morning till dawn.

Textual speculative note.: The life of the ever young person, was not a life alone in the mountains. It was a life with other young people.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The one and only.:

Magic, and tits and tat. (Note.: the following statement is proposed to be just thinking.) I can fly.

Witchcraft, not Wicca, is a dream.

These days, I don't seek to fly. I have a boyfriend.

Ever seen The Craft? That's where I learned Wicca. That's my first time.

So, the book of craft, not craftsmanship. I have no shadow book, and, I seek to fly.

These days, magic is just not wicca. I have a boyfriend.

The one and only.

Witchcraft, not Wicca, is not just a dream. Was there the Goddess and the God, in the old times of wiccan days? I wish not either, do you?

So, these days, I don't fly around with the shadow book, you know. I have a boyfriend, though I wish I had not.

The one and only,

means in wicca, by the way, neither the God nor the Goddess.

(Author of the songtext's, textual note.:) Just a little wiccan song.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The witch.:

Beautiful, ... , beautiful, as the river wild.

She is a witch. Dark haired, pale skin, and eyes so black. She is the river wild.

Beautiful, ... , beautiful. A beauty of the night.

Nightly beauty, be mine.

A beauty, ... , beautiful as the nightime.

The moon is up, on the silver heaven,

make us high, please, ... , will you?

She is a witch, ... , but she can not fly.

Dark haired, pale skin, and eyes so black. She is like the river wild.

Nightly beauty, be mine.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.07.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Siren.:

She comes often, ... , with the wind.

The Siren of Yore, ... , she walks lightly.

She comes often, ... , The Siren of Yore.

With the wind, comes the Siren.

Yore is my name, says the siren.

The wind blows through my inside, says she, the siren.

The Siren of Yore comes with the wind,

walking lightly on the green grass.

(Note.:) Sahaja Yoga makes many of these sirens.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 01.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The worstings.:

Back from high school and junior high, the worstings of your life.

A worsting, is a person of very high standards.

But here is the real story of the worstings of high.

The worstings are, The Genious, The Rampant, and The Violent man.

The Genious is the freak. The Rampant has violent feelings.

And The Violent man we should just forget about.

Back to high school now, and the last worsting of the year.

Please will you, at the reunion, give some room for

The Genious, The Rampant, and The Violent man, too.

So, for the worstings of senior and junior high.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 02.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



Let me see into the matter, ... , the sand, air, the heaven is God.

I will go to India, Tibet, China, ... , the sand, air, the heaven is God.

Wonder, wonder this, I will, for eternal.

Let me see into the matter, ... , the sand, air, the heaven is God.

I will go to India, Tibet, China, ... , the sand, air, the heaven is God.

She looked in my eyes, ... , so wonderous.

Her dark hair, skin, eyes, her sharp nose, the thin cheeks.

She is from India, Tibet, China, ... , she saw my eyes, so wondering.

Wonder, wonder this, I will, for eternal.

Let me see into the matter, ... , the sand, air, the heaven is God.

I will go to India, Tibet, China, ... , the sand, air, the heaven is God.

Wonder. Wonder this I will, forever.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The symbol in the sand.:

See, child, a drawing. It must be a symbol.

I think it must be a Symbol in the Golden Sand.

In grandfather's chest, there is a spirit.

It must be grandfather's spirit in a chest.

Child, come with me. Let's go to the symbol in the sand.

See, it looks like a spaceship, the Symbol in the Golden Sand.

It's time, now, to go back to grandfather's home.

Let's see if we can find the spirit in grandfather's chest.

It's grandfather's spirit, you know my child, so it won't hurt us.

The child, a father, and the old grandpa.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

---Tekst følger nedenfor. ---

"Sangboken" er ferdig, da sangtekst forfatter har sluttet å skrive sangtekster.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 10.08.2016.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Sangtekst forfatter skrev noen sanger likevel, etter å ha bestemt seg for å slutte. Heretter legges bare ut, utvalgte verker fra forfatters samling. Her er sangen, eller sangteksten, "Clowny girl".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 13.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Clowny girl.:

Hi you there. Clowny girl, with red lips, black hair and braces.

Are you for me? Clowny girl, with red lips, black hair and braces,

or is it laces?

Hi, clowny girl. You suit me good, clowny girl.

Are you for me, to be, girl?

I like your red lips, black hair and braces you are wearing.

I am ready clowny girl. Just so you know. I am here, if you wish clowny girl.

I don't have red lips, black hair, or braces, just like you, clowny,

but I'll be here anyway.

Hi. Again I say hi, clowny. Yes, you with red lips, black hair and braces,

or is it laces?

Are you for me to be, girl? I'll be here for you, anyway.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Den er fra min side, "en oppfølger" til sangteksten min med tittelen "Wonderous".

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 14.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The wonderous eyes.:

I see your eyes, lady. Your eyes.

They are wondering. So wonderous I think.

Where are we going, lady. You asked me of things.

(The lady.:)

We are going to a secret place of mine.

Are you coming.

So wonderous are your eyes.

Could I have eyes that wondering.

(The lady.:)

Of course you can. At the secret place.

Stop wondering, and come along.

Your secret place. Almost, as wondering as your eyes.

Could I also have a place this wonderous.

(The lady.:)

Stop wondering. For now, a moment.

Your own eyes you saw in the mirror of mine.

Let me tell you this. Your story is the same. Just like my own story.

Stories are many, of your kind. It's not the same, even if in the end. Sand will run out. Not finally.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet. Det var noe jeg skulle si, men med forsiktighet: Jeg synes ofte jeg hører meg selv nevne tabubelagte områder, når jeg dikter sangene. Jeg mener jeg ikke beskriver disse tabubelagte områdene i noen særskilt grad. Der hvor jeg kommer fra, det eller de Martinus kosmologiske miljøet eller miljøene, er det vanlig å være mer åpen om flere eller mange tabubelagte ting. For ikke å nevne Martinus selv, når han skriver.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 15.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Lust in life.:

The woman of stars, ... , lived freely.

Come with me, to my home.

A woman of stars, ... , has a home.

Come with me, home.

She lived freely, ... , her life.

Dancing on the meadows of her strive.

Come with me, ... , to my home.

The plains of green, with it's withering flowers of yesterday.

A rainbow, the sun, a blue sky will rise in the horizon.

She lived freely, ... , she lusted in life.

I am so sorry.

Great stars on the heavenly horizon.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 17.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Straight lines.:

I look at girls, ... , women, ... , the female sex.

Do you know what makes them beautiful?

I look at the girls, ... , the women, ... , the sex opposite of mine.

It's not a secret. I admire them.

Straigth lines, and beautiful forms.

That's what beautiful women, among other things are made of.

I mean, not only, legs and knees.

I mean, the total of being, ... , when she is around.

I mean, ... , it's a rule of thumb, ... , straight lines, and beautiful forms.

It's not a formula of mine, it's God's. This you should know aswell as I.

It's not a secret, that, I admire them.

Straight lines, and beautiful forms, when she is around.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 22.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Coming of tomorrow.:

Come with me.

Into the house of light.

Let me be, ... , here.

For you this is.

She grieved.

The broken jars, ... , of days coming.

Sun uplifted, the sky clear, ... , coming of the morning.


Come with me.

Into the light.

Let me be.

Deep was her grief.

I am so sorry.


Coming of tomorrow.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Plains of roses.:

It is night.

Nighttime rose, are you coming?

As certain as the night there is,

the sun will rise in the morning.


The moon and the sun,

together on the heaven.

We don't fight at nighttime.


The bride is dead.

Who can rise a dead bride.

No one can, rise the bride from her fate.

So deep was her grief.

I am sorry.

As certain as the flowers withers,

will the spring rise with its plains of roses.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


I am sorry.:

There was the two she.

They lived together.

She as he, and the other.

So sorry was she.


Lend me a hand.

I am deeply sorry.

She and he, and the third.

They lived together.

They both was her.

Be not so sorry.

We are the two of us.

Hand in hand we go.

We are together, forever if you will.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 27.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Seasons of witchcraft.:

The four seasons of Wicca are here.

They are the equinoxes of witchcraft.

Lugnasad for spring, Jule for midwinter,

Belthane for the fall, and, of course, midsummer Samhain.

Belthane, Jule, Lugnasad and Samhain.

They are the four seasons of Wicca.

Lugnasad, Jule, Belthane, and Samhain.

Belthane, Jule, Lugnasad and Samhain.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 29.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---



I have a pencil.

And a piece of carton paper.

Let's draw.

With the pencil,

I draw lines, and rounds,

on a piece of carton paper.

The pencil is rectangular in it's way.

The pencil must be sharp.

To draw on the paper of carton.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 27.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Seasons of witchcraft.:

The four seasons of Wicca are here.

They are the equinoxes of witchcraft.

Lugnasad for spring, Jule for midwinter,

Belthane for the fall, and, of course, midsummer Samhain.

Belthane, Jule, Lugnasad and Samhain.

They are the four seasons of Wicca.

Lugnasad, Jule, Belthane, and Samhain.

Belthane, Jule, Lugnasad and Samhain.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 30.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Straight sex.:

Hey, you man. Hey, woman. Hey, all you folks.

Do you know sex?

I mean, do you know straight sex.

Sex is for men, and women, they make all you folks.

In the old days, sex was for children, not for play.

These days, straight sex, is playtime.

If only, sex could be as I walk,

I walk forwards, not backwards.

I walk, I follow lines, twirls, and circles.

And, now all you folks, should know what sex is.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 31.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


White sand.:

Open your eyes.

The heaven is blue.

See, the ocean is green.

The white sand of desert,

lies before her.

The sand is white,

near the ocean.

See the precious stone,

in green and blue,

it's the aqua crystal,

or precious stone.

The white sand of desert,

lies before her.

White is the sand,

and the ocean green and blue,

just like the precious stone.

Again. Open your eyes,

so you can see the

crystal, green and blue,

wich is like the ocean.

The sand is white.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 31.08.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Grandfather's chess.:

I love chess.

My grandpa has chess.

Let's take look at his board of chesspieces.

The quadrates of the set.

See, the white and black queens in ivory.

I wish they were in black and white marble.

It's grandfather's chess.

It's the chesspieces,

they are set.

I wish they were in black and white marble.

It's grandfather's chess,

and the pieces are set,

in my memory of grandfather's chess.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 04.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The principle of lust.:

The principle of lust, is easy, at first to find.

I am talking of feelings of wants.

Do what you want, and do it until you find.

The principle of lust, is easy, at first to understand.

Grasping the nature of it can only be fine.

I am talking of the principles of lust.

I am talking of feelings of wants.

The principle of lust, seem easy, at first to understand.

You will do it, do what you want, until you find love.

I am talking of the principles of lust.

They are, not easy, to understand,

but you will do it, do what you want, until you find calmness.

The principle of lust, seem easy, at first to find.

I am talking of feelings of wants.

Go do it, if you can't, do it until you find calmness, or love.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 04.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Her blue eyes.:

Listen, to the sound of sand,

the ocean near,

as the waves hit the line.

My woman,

the lady in white.

She has azure blue eyes.

Listen, to the ocean nearby.

The waves hitting the sand,

the line is near.

My fair lady,

the woman dressed in white,

her blonde hair,

the azure blue eyes of hers.

Sure am I, of her eyes.

They are blue as in psychic.

She can see thru the waves of the ocean.

The ocean is blue,

while she is dressed in her white garment.

I again, listen to the ocean nearby,

the waves hitting the line of sand.

As I mentioned,

my woman is the lady dressed in white.

She was psychic,

she had azure blue eyes,

nearby the ocean.

I remember,

my lady in white,

her azure blue eyes.

She was psychic,

and dressed in white,

her fair blonde hair.

Listening to the sound of the ocean

hitting the line of sand.

I often sit here by the beach.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 04.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The gods.:

Almighty is he.

Is it a he or she.

We wonder, the two of us.

Allpowerful is he.

We still wonder,

is it a he or she,

the two of us.

Allknowing is she,

I know.

Beautiful is he or she.

We know, we wonder.

Now, the question,

we all wonder about.

Is this, he or she,

a person of good or of evil.

Yes, it is, one of these,

that we ponder about,

the two of us.

Is this in person a deity.

A seldom time,

one of these deities,

to be,

come around,

and we wonder, the two of us.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 05.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Maiden in steel.:

A maiden in steel.

Crystal blue eyes.

My life is in disorder.

I will see the oracle.

A maiden in steel.

Go see her, I can read the cards.

My life is disalright.

I will see the oracle.

A maiden made of iron.

Go see her, I can read the cards.


A maiden in steel.

Crystal blue eyes.

I see her now, fore me.

Go see her, she can read the lines.

A maiden in iron.

The blue eyes of crystal.

I see her, before me.

A maiden in steel.

Crystal blue eyes.

Go see her, she reads the lines of yours.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 06.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The Idol.:

Shimmering, in the morning fog.

The air is moist.

Dressed in gold.

Shimmering, shimmering,

in the morning fog.

The air is moist.

Earth is damp.

Dressed in gold,

the Idol wanders,

through the fog.

Shimmering, shimmering,

in the morning fog.

The sun is shining,

behind, on the heaven.

An Idol is this,

shimmering, shimmering,

walking through the smoke,

of way of sky, heaven and the sun.

Shimmering, shimmering,

in gold.

The Idol walking through the morning fog.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 07.09.2016.

Jeg la nettopp til en "del to" som jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Jane in the fast lane.:

Hello, my name is Jane, and the fast lane is my life.

I work hard, ... , not all day. By the way I have a spiritual teacher.

My name is Jane, and, as I said, I have a spiritual teacher.

She, my teacher in the spirit of nature, lives near the ocean.

My teacher's name is not Lane, and her life is of airy nature.

My name is Jane, and, as I said, I have a teacher of spiritual nature.

She, my teacher in the spirit, is beautiful like her the nearby sea.

And, I see her as often, while living the fast lane of my life.

A spiritual teacher I have. She is not my life fully, like the ocean rose.

She may be a rose, ... , is she my flower. Time to go back to work now.

My name is Jane, and, will I be seeing you later?

Jane in the fast lane, Opus relinquie.:

My name is Jane, I'm a hard working girl, ... , behold, my spiritual teacher.

My name is Jane in the fast lane, I work all day.

I am Jane, and I have a spiritual teacher.

I work hard all day, I am Jane, not entirely.

Beside the work and no play, I do my daily siddahsanas.

As I said, I am Jane, and I have a spiritual teacher, a man, the guru.

This may not be the guru of yours, ... , excuse me a little, ... , this is a guru of mine.

I am Jane, not entirely, and I have a spiritual teacher.

Sorry, for being selfish with my guru. Think not this of him, he is homosexual.

He teaches me, my daily siddahsanas, wich I do beside work,

and wich, by the way, is no play Jane.

My name is Jane, ... , I have no other name.

When I say I am Jane, then I not entirely am, Jane.

And, now, at the end, I say, my name is Jane, I work in the fast lane,

and it is time to leave this alone, until next time we meet along.

Jane in the fast lane.

This was Opus relinquie.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Miss calendar.:

I am Fair Blue. My first name is Fair, and I am Blue and not green.

I used to have boyfriends.

I am Fair Blue, and not green.

One day, I went calendar girl.

I am a star.

The next day, I went glossy clothing magazines.

Am I still a star?


From Fair Blue, to calendar girl.

Is it true?

I can't believe that about the glossy magazines stuff.


I am Fair Blue, and no longer green.

I used to have boyfriends.

I am a star today.

They call me, not Fair Blue, but Miss calendar.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 08.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Big brother.:

I have a brother, a big brother.

I love my big brother.

Can't do without him.

A brother, a real big brother,

never let's you down.

My brother, the big brother,

never fails himself either.

So, is a real big brother.


An old man I am, now.

I remember my brother,

my big brother, ... , died like the man I am now.

So, is a big brother.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 10.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


When I dance.:

People use to dance.

But, ... , when I dance it is different.

Dancing didn't used to be,

dancing was, ... , always, different to me.

Dancing is, you think,

always, different.

So, it may be.

Still, dancing is different, ... , different to me.

I dance, in stillness, in the dark.

Nighttime it may be.

I dance, ... , techno, eurodance, and free.

(Note.: Author wrote this song, from his own dancing experience.)

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 11.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


A perfect diamond.:

In a safe, a vault somewhere in this tall building, is the perfect diamond somewhere.

The perfect diamond is somewhere, lives somewhere. She may be a woman.

The perfect diamond has a name. Let me reveal to you, it's Renati Blue.

The diamond is a dark haired beauty. She change her colors, sometimes into blonde.

She has blue eyes, wich can look green at times. And two powerful legs.

This is the diamond. Her name. She is called Renati Blue, after the rain, when the rainbow shines under the clear blue sky.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Dette er den 6. websiden med sangtekster.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.09.2016.

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 18.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The lady in white, the shower.:

I go by The lady in white.

It's not my own name.

I go by many names.

Dressed in white garment, I am.

I live on an iseland, all alone.

From time to time, people pass the iseland.

Give me a visit any time, but when I am showering.

I call my bath the shower.

When I step down into the river, I don't go under.

I rinse my skin with drops of water,

in the wind, the sun, my palms.

Never the moon, then is wolftime.

My bath, I call my shower,

and I rinse my naked skin with water drops from the river.

I'm afraid, that's all about my shower.

Students arrived and I'll be seeing you later, for this time.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 19.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The secret chamber.:

Looking at the world through my eyes.

The two of me, ... , has a third stored above,

in the heaven of my eye.

We are the two old graces,

of an iseland, not as vast as the third heaven.

Looking at the world through my eyes,

seeing, from the top, the above of heaven.

Could I only reach the third eye who sees

the two of us, the two old graces of and iseland

not vast.

The secret chamber, above, considered heaven.

The secret chamber, chapter two.:

I look at the world, from my secret chamber.

Play, play, I do, from my secret chamber.

The second one is the player.

I can see her.

Come play a game with me.

I live in the secret chamber.

The second player will play with

you, the game, while I still am in the chamber of secrets.

Don't be scared it's just a game.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 21.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


The secret Mahabdarata.:

Look a cave.

See into the secret.

It's the Mahabdarata.

It's not the Abacus.

It's not the Mahabarata.

It's a different secret.

See the cave.

Look into the secrets,

of the heavenly Mabdaharata.

The secret Mabdaharata is,

not a virgin from Heaven,

it's not a harem fulfilled.

The secret of Mabdaharata is,

a place like Heaven.

Please, don't mix the Mabdaharata with the Mahabarata, will you?

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en sangtekst jeg har diktet og skrevet.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 23.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


How do you want me to be.:

I see you at a bar.

The bars around.

How do you want me to be,

I'm your darling somehow.

You hang around at my bars.

Saw you drinking this day.

How do you want me to be,

I'm your darling somehow.

I see you at the bar.

You are before my eyes.

Can I ask you, now, this question.

How do you want me to be, dar.

Never did I ask this question to my dar.

Darling I mean to say.

How did you, in the life of my,

want me to be, darling.

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Her er en spesiell sangtekst som jeg har diktet og skrevet. Tilbake i 2006 kjøpte jeg en box med "Species". Jeg så "Species" nr. 1, som jeg da forventet skulle være den opprinnelige "Species" filmen. Det hele viste seg å ikke bare være en omklipt utgave av filmen, men et helt "Re-cut" hvilket jeg ikke vet om er et ordentlig ord "Re-cut". Jeg kjente nesten ikke igjen filmen, og kastet hele box'en i søpla etter å ha kommet fram til at den opprinnelige "Species" filmen "var blitt borte". Jeg antar den må ha blitt forandret på fra den opprinnelige filmen, fordi det var en for skremmende film, hvilket jeg konkluderer nå som jeg igjen, nylig, er blitt "den lykkelige eier" av en box med "Species", inkludert "Species" nr. 1 som fulgte med i box'en, og som er, etter hva jeg kan huske, nokså akkurat den samme nye utgaven av filmen som forrige gang jeg kjøpte "box'en".

Sangteksten nedenfor er inspirert av et utsagn fra filmen "Species", den opprinnelige, som jeg antar har "forsvunnet fra hyllene" for lenge siden. Jeg har tatt meg den frihet å dikte omkring dette utsagnet fra filmen jeg nevner, og ber noen ansvarshavende for filmen kontakte meg dersom det skulle være noe galt med dette.

Markus Gyltnes, Tromsø, 24.09.2016.

--- Tekst følger nedenfor. ---


Who do you want me to be?

I am who?

Running is my life.

Do you know who I am?

My name in your hands.

Running seems to be my life.

Ask me again, who am I?

I am who?

Ruined is my life,

running in circles.

(Other voice.:) Who are you?

Who do you want me to be?

--- Tekst slutt. ---

Markus Gyltnes,2020.

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